Site Developments

State of The Mega Man Network
Sep 12, 2013 | Site Developments
If you can read this post, glad you could join us!
previously mentioned, this new site is the result of us searching for
and finding a new home for The Mega Man Network in an effort to make the
site more responsive and less crash prone. As such, this new site
platform was chosen…

Upcoming Site Migration – Done!
Sep 4, 2013 | Site Developments
We’re done moving the
blog! A post about the state of The Mega Man Network will follow

Announcing the Winners for the Doujin Album Giveaway!
Sep 4, 2013 | Contests, Site Developments
Greetings all! I have to apologize, I’m a bit behind at posting the results to our latest giveaway. You might say I’ve been mighty distracted
lately! But now I’m happy to announce the two winners we chose for the
giveaway, who will each get their own copy of Mega Rock Carnival. And
those two winners are…

Us, You, and Mighty No. 9
Sep 1, 2013 | Articles, Site Developments
Greetings folks. Yesterday's announcement from Keiji Inafune was something else, no? There appears to be a lot of excitement for this project, especially since just 12 hours after launching, the Kickstarter drive is already nearing half of its minimum required...

Another Summer Giveaway! Grab a Doujin Music Compilation!
Aug 26, 2013 | Contests, Site Developments
How's the summer treating you? I don't know about other places, but there've been record highs in Japan this month. I'm seriously ready for things to cool off... and I'm Heat Man! But this giveaway might only heat you up more. We're offering two copies of the 25th...

Now to Announce the D-Arts Forte Giveaway Winner…
Jul 9, 2013 | Contests, Site Developments
We put out the call for a chance to win Bandai's D-Arts Forte action figure, and had you suggest your own ideas would Bass star in his own game. There were some pretty interesting ideas! For being a baddie, Bass is pretty popular. Nevertheless, only one response could...

Time for a Summer Giveaway! D-Arts Forte!!
Jul 1, 2013 | Contests, Site Developments
Things are getting hot this summer, but what if we make them even hotter? Forte's anger and rivalry should get things really cooking! And we have one of these magnificent D-Arts figures to give away this month. You should know the drill by now, but the way to enter...

Announcing the Winners for Our Mega Buster USB Giveaway!
Jun 2, 2013 | Site Developments
Evening folks! It's time to announce the winners of our Mega Buster USB drive giveaway! We got over 240 entries for this prize, and picking three winners was tough! Well, it wasn't really that touch, I just used a random number generator, But still, I wish we could do...

TMMN Giveaway – Nab a Mega Man USB Buster!
May 20, 2013 | Contests, Site Developments
Hey there, it's been a little while, so how about a chance to win something cool? We've got three of Capcom's 25th anniversary Mega Buster styled USB thumb drives to give away! Each has a capacity of 8GB, and comes equipped the latest version of Street Fighter X Mega...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Afterword
Apr 28, 2013 | Articles, Featured, Site Developments
Mega Man 4 is not a bad game, despite how often I may seem to be calling it such. The main stages flow nicely, the end game stages keep their quality up much longer than previous games, and there were a lot of great new stage mechanics thrown in. We got a full water...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Dr. Wily Stages 3 & 4
Apr 21, 2013 | Articles, Featured, Site Developments
Wily Stage 3 and Music This is the path leading to the teleporter room. As you can see, there's not much to it. This is fine, given that we'll be taking on all the bosses with one set of lives, and rewarding us for pressing against the wall on the third screen but...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 2
Apr 14, 2013 | Articles, Site Developments
Wily 2 The first two screens here seem to be missing something. There are four paths to take, with the second one down leading out and the rest leading to death or nothing. I'd have expected an item to snag at the end of one of the lower ones, or an enemy shooting at...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 1
Apr 7, 2013 | Featured, Site Developments
Wily Stage 1 and Music Right away, we can see the gimmick for this stage. It is filled with Mets, and only Mets. Despite this restriction, the first few screens offer a good mix of interactions with them. The first two we meet are jumpers. The first one on the next...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Dr. Cossack Stage 4
Mar 31, 2013 | Featured, Site Developments
Cossack Stage 4 The path to Cossack starts off with some refills, an E-Tank, and a nice view of the night sky. Pakatto and Jumbig are easily dealt with by now, and we've already met both in worse situations. Biree makes another appearance here. This time we'll have to...

Introducing The Mega Man Network’s Rock Tumblr!
Mar 30, 2013 | Community Developments, Site Developments
For those of you out there who use Tumblr, we just wanted to let you know that we've carved out our own little space on the blogging network. Called "The Mega Man Network's Rock Tumblr," we'll be providing links to new content on TMMN as it comes, but also some more...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Dr. Cossack Stage 1
Mar 10, 2013 | Articles, Featured, Site Developments
Cossack Stage 1 map and Music Mega Man starts this one waist-deep in snow. The snow decreases his walking speed, but won't affect sliding. We'll soon come to a series of platforms covered in ice, which does exactly what you'd expect it to by now. The contrast between...

Announcing the Winners to January’s Bonus Giveaway
Jan 30, 2013 | Site Developments
After a whole year of bringing you chances to win cool stuff, we just had to get one more giveaway in for the road. This month we offered up some fantastic art books by doujin label Guiltism; a major Rockman fan. The three chosen winners will certainly be very happy...

An Update about TMMN’s Site Maintenance
Jan 28, 2013 | Site Developments
Greetings fellow programs! Just an update on the site content reconstruction side of things. We will be organizing a different system for collecting and archiving all our images. The old gallery we used, which was Coppermine, will not be coming back. Of course, all of...

TMMN Giveaway Bonus Round – Delicious Art Books!
Jan 14, 2013 | Site Developments
Last year, we held contests and giveaways every month in the hopes of spreading joy and excitement for the Blue Bomber. It was great fun, but all good things must come to an end. Except that during all that time, I seem to have developed a sickness. A sickness for...

The Wiki Returns!
Jan 6, 2013 | Site Developments
That's right, The Mega Man Universe is now back up and running. As detailed in the previous site announcement, the wiki's content is completely untouched. Also true to that post are a few changes that will affect the way you interact with it. Here are the key points:...
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- Nadia & David Ruin Video Games – Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind, Part 2
Go! Green! Ranger! Go Go!
Tiny Girl Tiny Games Nintendo 3DS, Mobile, and More
- Hey Kids, I Revised My Patreon for a Novel I’m Writing. Here’s a Sample!
Or, "Nobody ever forgets their first (unicorn)."