Site Developments

Star Force 3 Important Contest Update
Jun 30, 2009 | Site Developments
As all of you know, the Mega Man Star Force contest was supposed to end tonight. I'm very pleased with the massive amount of entries we have received so far. All the entries are fantastic. However, I need to announce a scheduling change. I've had a death in the family...

Star Force Contest reminder
Jun 27, 2009 | Contests, Site Developments
Just a small reminder to our community out there! Our Star Force contest will be ending soon. Entries need to be in by June 30th. So if you want to enter to win a copy of the game, as well at the SF complete works and the DS package Capcom Unity provided, you better...

Summer of Mega Man Star Force 3 Contest! Win Star Force 3 and More!
Jun 4, 2009 | Site Developments
Yepper, it's that time randomly selected again! Time for another Mega Man Network contest! Because why work for your love when we can simply buy it, like some kind of simple commodity. And you can WIN BIG! This time around, Tabby has insisted we do an artwork contest...

Due to Popular Demand, MMN is Back!
Apr 1, 2009 | Site Developments
Alright, everyone, you win. Since apparently there are some people who still like Mega Man, despite what Capcom has (or hasn't) been doing with it lately, we've decided to revert things back to the way they were. In all seriousness, though, I was actually surprised at...

The MMN is No More; Long Live MMN! Woo-hoo!
Mar 31, 2009 | Site Developments
A new age has dawned here at MMN; we are no longer the same site you once knew, as a radical change has taken hold: The Mega Man Network is no more; long live The Mega Mario Network! For too long, we've had to endure the mishandling and shortsightedness Capcom has...

To Those Who Keep Asking About the Music…
Jan 27, 2009 | Site Developments
I urge you to read this post from when we re-opened. Specifically, the ninth paragraph. In addition, know that we're looking into doing something for the people who like to stream music that won't murder our bandwidth. Thank you. –LBD “Nytetrayn,” Site...

The Mega Man Universe is Now Open to the Public
Jan 20, 2009 | Site Developments
For those interested in the content of our Mega Man Wikipedia, The Mega Man Universe, I have some exciting news. When we relaunched the site, we had initially implemented the wiki system as a means of updating site content and information with a greater ease than we...

WGA and Fan Art Galleries
Jan 18, 2009 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Okay, so it's time to talk about MMN's fan art galleries. I'm proud to say the galleries are restored, and now WGA and Fan Art galleries can start again! WGA is acutally going to be the same. You can submit your images through my email, the forums and what not. The...

We’re Back (again)!
Jan 7, 2009 | Site Developments
Well, it's finally done. Eh, sort of. The holiday season slowed us down a little, but we have finally re-established ourself on a new server, and as you can see, things have been shaken up a little bit. The first thing you may notice is this: The Mega Man Network...

Rockman ZX Garage Kits on Yahoo Auctions
Nov 8, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Some time ago, the existence of a series of Revoltech-like Rockman Zero figures was discovered, instantly appealing to many fans of the series and spreading like wildfire around the internet as people wondered where to find them. And while we unfortunately can't give...

Mega Man 9 Contest Double Feature: And the Winners Are…
Nov 2, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
First, I'd just like to thank everyone who participated in our Mega Man 9 contests... all six of you. Seriously, what gives? Oh well, just makes my job easier. For the “Are you the Mega-est Man?” Achievement Contest, our winner is Rixsterexe, and our two Trivia...

Mega Man 9 Contest Double Feature Now Closed, Results Pending
Nov 2, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Our Mega Man 9 Contest Double Feature has now concluded. However, due to attending my brother-in-law's wedding ceremony yesterday, I have not yet been able to review the results. I shall do so soon, and the winners will be posted soon.

Mega Man 9 Contest Double Feature
Oct 15, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Our first Mega Man 9 contest went so well, we're having another! Two, in fact! The prizes this time, however, are not a copy of the game itself, as in one case, that would simply be redundant. Instead, the most hardcore among you will get the chance to win Mega Man 9...

More Mega Man Themes with Lyrics
Oct 11, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
A couple of months ago, the question came up and was summarily answered: What if the theme song from Mega Man 3 had lyrics? YouTube user BrentalFloss is at it again, now with an extended remix of Mega Man 3's theme song, and in addition, he's also added lyrics to the...

Random Proposes a Mega Man 9 EP
Oct 10, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Remember last December when we interviewed hip-hop artist Random and got the scoop on his Mega Man-themed release aptly titled MegaRan? (Psst, if you don't remember, click the links and nod). Well, I just recieved word that Random up for the Online Hip Hop Awards for...

The MMN’s Review of Mega Man 9!
Oct 5, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Mega Man 9 has been out a couple of weeks now, and you've seen what a lot of review sites have had to say about it. However, those people get paid to review all sorts of games. Now you can read a review by an impassioned Mega Man fan through and through! (spoiler...

Full Mega Man 9 Script
Sep 28, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Thanks to a very generous (and admittedly bored) donor, forum member Rew, we now have all of the dialog from Mega Man 9. For those of you with 360s (me, included) who haven't been able to experience Mega Man 9, yet, have fun. I personally won't be reading, I'll wait...

And the results…
Sep 16, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
As I posted yesterday, the contest is over and the winners were contacted. Now that we've touched base with all the winners, I will announce them. Start imaging a drum roll. The grand prize winner of the contest is... SHOJAXU DEMCLO!! Congratulations! AND, the two...

Contest Ended
Sep 15, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Yes, the contest ended yesterday night, and the winners have been selected. Notifications have gone out, and we will announce the winners once they have all confirmed their acceptance. Regardless, I want to thank everyone who took the time to enter. We got quite a lot...

Where Mega Man meets the public
Sep 15, 2008 | Community Developments, Site Developments
So I'm taking a stroll in downtown Montreal and this is what I see. I found both of these pics so fun, I had to post them for all to see. Just so you know, there can't possibly be any other explanation to this art other than the creator being a fan of the series....
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