Site Developments

Victims of success

Victims of success

You may have had a bit of trouble accessing MMN in the past few days. It appears we're still getting traffic ever since having unleashed Mega Man 9 upon the world, and the server is having a hard time accounting for all the added activity. We're hoping this is...

Victims of success

Mega Man 9 Page Up

I started working on this yesterday, but here it is: Mega Man 9 Speculation page @ The Mega Man Network. This page will cover, in detail, any type of information surrounding this news of a "Mega Man 9" release from Capcom. Sourced and documented information, detailed...

Victims of success

Weekly Gift Art

Just making this post to let everyone know: WGA stuff should be sent to thetabbers[AT] Please stop sending it to the sites email. Thank you.

Victims of success

Crisis Averted!

As you may have noticed, The Mega Man Network is no longer active. Due to some large TMMN staff losses including Lord Black Draco, TheDivine, Sylvester, and RockNRoll, it was agreed to reconvert every ounce of data under the Atomic Fire name. Come back often, since...

Victims of success

Musical Potpourri

Decided to get a little more music in the Music Archive while working on various other things. This update includes the soundtracks to Mega Man Battle & Chase, Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X and Mega Man Legends. Also debuting is some fan music from some more...

Victims of success

Music from the Air Waves

It's been a little while, hasn't it? Well you music-hungry folks can sit back, because Splashman has provided the Ryuusei no Rockman 1&2 official soundtrack in our Music Archive. Of course this replaces the earlier game rips of those titles, which is sad sure, but...

Victims of success

It’s over 2,000!!

As you may know one of my main jobs here is moving over content from... err... that one site I was at before this one. I forget the name. At any rate I've been on that, and so far so good. Tonight I'm happy to announce that the combined content of the Official Art...

Victims of success

Double Special: Two WGAs!

That's right, in celebration of the 20th Anniversary, you all get two WGAs this week.Originally, the only WGA was going to be the multiple-artists picture, but then Jet Zero sent hers in at the last minute, and well, I didn't want it to go to waste! So enjoy double...

Victims of success

The Final Countdown

Last year Capcom of Japan made a count down timer for Rockman's 20th anniversary. As you may have noticed, we've added this timer to our front page. Now sure, it may be a little disingenuous to put up a year-long counter when it only has a few days left. But honestly,...

Victims of success

Mondo Music Update

I'd been getting a little tired of doing continuous music updates, so outside of new releases I think it'll be better to do bigger updates more spread out. Then again, that still may not satisfy demand fast enough, but we'll see how it goes. For now, here's what's...

Victims of success

RSS Feeds are now active

Hot on the heels of the modified news system, we now have RSS Feeds! Anyone who has visited the site's main page recently should have noticed the rather large RSS feed icon next to each forum news category. That's right, you can now subscribe to each of them for the...

Victims of success

Classic Music Abounds

After some rotten shipping delays, I finally got my hands on the Rockman 7 and Rockman 8 original soundtracks, and they're now up in the Music Archive for you to enjoy. But my good pal Splashman, he thought that those two soundtracks just wouldn't be enough. So, he...

Victims of success

Fanart Related Things

Thanks to JetZero, it was realized that artists could only submit 4-5 pieces of artwork. After some exploring of the admin options, I found it was set to let registered users only upload to about 1000k of art. That isn't all that much, is it? Well, I tweaked it so...

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