Mega Man-Esque

Target Acquired: Ask Manami Matsumae Anything

Target Acquired: Ask Manami Matsumae Anything

It was only a few weeks ago that we brought you word of Target Acquired, a mobile game which was described as “Mega Man meets Temple Run” whose developers were seeking funding through Kickstarter. The time is up, and now is the time to celebrate with Mega Musician Manami Matsumae!

Comcept Wants Your Opinion for Mighty No. 9

Comcept Wants Your Opinion for Mighty No. 9

As you might recall, Comcept posted an update to their Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter page regarding a number of things, including their ideas on the prospect of voice acting, additional funding, and more. Suffice to say, for some, the update did not go over very well.

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