TMMN Staff

Mega Man is one of Nintendo’s Favorite Gaming Friends in eShop Special

Mega Man is one of Nintendo’s Favorite Gaming Friends in eShop Special

Those who follow the week-to-week happenings in the Nintendo eShop know that for one week starting today, Thursday, November 14th, a variety of The Legend of Zelda titles featured on both the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS are being marked down. As it turns out, this is part of a larger ongoing deal, and a curious one at that.

Mega Man X2 Coming to European Wii U Virtual Console Tomorrow

Mega Man X2 Coming to European Wii U Virtual Console Tomorrow

Whereas Rockman X2 arrived on the Wii U Virtual Console in Japan on October 9th, it appears that all signs (which is to say, Wikipedia and this post on GoNintendo) point to the second major clash between X and the Reploids of Sigma's original Maverick uprising will be hitting the European version of the service on Thursday, November 14th, 2013. In other words, tomorrow, though as of this writing, that would be today in Europe.

Looking Back: Mega Man X

Looking Back: Mega Man X

p>As part of our celebration of the Mega Man series hitting its 25th anniversary, we are featuring a look back at many of the games of the X series. For this entry, I’ll be looking at Mega Man X,

Jasco Reveals Proto Man Mini Figure

Jasco Reveals Proto Man Mini Figure

As the Kickstarter for fleshing out the Mega Man Board Game draws near,
Jasco has released another taste of what the additional funding can
provide. Joining the first revealed Mega Man and Cut Man mini figures, Proto Man’s figure comes to light, too.