Mighty No. 9 Getting a Collaboration with… Yaiba?
Mighty No. 9 is still only just funded, and yet it’s already looking to join forces with other titles. In an interview with Keiji Inafune, he casually mentions his desire to create some kind of collaboration between Mighty No. 9 and another title Comcept is working on, Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z .
The above video featuring a talk between Inafune and Team Ninja producer Yosuke Hayashi mostly covers the latest developments with Yaiba , a joint venture between Tecmo Koei and Comcept. But at 4:42, Inafune brings up his successfully funded Mighty No. 9 , stating that he’d like to create a collaboration of some sort between the two. Hayashi responds positively to the idea, admitting that he backed Mighty No. 9 himself. Inafune asserts that makes him part of Mighty No. 9 ‘s staff as well as Yaiba ‘s.
The two discuss the idea rather lightly, so it’s hard to tell if they’re being truly serious. But it’s also unlikely they’d joke about such a thing in a video coming from the game’s own producer. What would you imagine such a game would be like? Mighty No. 9 and Yaiba are rather different… Although Mighty No. 7 is supposed to be a ninja.
News Credit: 4Gamer.net (via CAP Kobun)
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