TMMN Staff

Mega Man’s Super Smash Bros. Potential

Mega Man’s Super Smash Bros. Potential

For those of you who have been working on learning how to play as Mega Man in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS‘s demo, here is a little something fun to cap off your weekend and maybe inspire some hope.

Super Smash Bros.: Mega Man Music and Analysis

Super Smash Bros.: Mega Man Music and Analysis

The biggest Mega Man-related news of the moment has to be, without question, the Blue Bomber’s appearance in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. And with a free demo of the former just a day away, the internet, she is a-buzzin’.

Mega Man #44 Covers and Solicitation

Mega Man #44 Covers and Solicitation

Archie’s adaptation of Mega Man 3 rolls (and rocks) on with the book’s 44th issue, bringing the story “Legends of the Blue Bomber” to a close. But, is that truly the end?

The Mega Man Network Interviews Keiji Inafune

The Mega Man Network Interviews Keiji Inafune

For the second year in a row, The Mega Man Network has been fortunate enough to interview “the father of Mighty No. 9“, Keiji Inafune. Of course, he is also famous for, among other things, being the father to another famous blue robot. Read on to find out his inspiration and thoughts about the Mighty No. 9‘s Xel system, what he thinks of his fans, and more.

Two Azure Striker Gunvolt Soundtracks Headed to Japan

Two Azure Striker Gunvolt Soundtracks Headed to Japan

A quick tip from Heat Man has notified us that following the recent release of Azure Striker Gunvolt in Japan (where it’s known as Armed Blue Gunvolt), Inti Creates is now in the process of planning not one, but two soundtracks to be released in Gunvolt’s native land.

Azure Striker Gunvolt: The Mega Man Network Review

Azure Striker Gunvolt: The Mega Man Network Review

p>Thanks to the fine folks at Inti Creates and 8-4 Ltd., The Mega Man Network has been able to play through and dissect much of what could be called the first post-Capcom Mega Man game–Mega Man without Mega Man, as it were. But defining Azure Striker Gunvolt in that way would do an injustice to one of the best platformers of this generation.