First 4 Figures Reveals Mega Man Statue Prototype
First 4 Figures, makers of various video game statues and figures of classic characters ranging from Mario to Metroid to Sonic the Hedgehog to The Legend of Zelda (among others), has revealed on their Facebook page who the latest to join the family is. No prizes for guessing, because why else would we even be talking about it here?

This is the initial glimpse of the first of what will hopefully be a whole line of Mega Man figures– at the very least, it sounds like they have at least one or two more on the way! For now, we can check out this sculpt of the original Blue Bomber running along what appears to be a piece of the conveyor belt from Metal Man’s stage in Mega Man 2.
The company has also answered a few questions following the reveal:
Is this the definitive pose?
We’ll be doing a huge range of these so the standard hand on gun version will be coming as well, but on one of the other planned characters.
Any chance for a Mega Man Battle Network statue? Not as popular as Classic or X but that’d be amazing.
Certainly a big possibility! We’d like to see how some of the initials statues in the line do first though.
Will you be looking into characters from the Mega Man X series too F4F?
Yes 🙂
We’ll bring you more as it comes. Thanks to Meliden for the tip!
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