TMMN Staff

Revisit Mega Man Classic in Its Entirety with Hardcore Gaming 101
Jan 27, 2015 | Community Developments
Here’s something I’ve been sitting on for a while, waiting for a rainy day. And while it’s not raining out, there is something of a blizzard snowing people in, so… maybe that’s better in this case?

Mega Myths: Mega Man Zero, Part 3
Jan 24, 2015 | Articles, Community Developments, User Submitted Content
We’re moving towards the most elite bosses, this time focusing on those Zero encounters solely in Neo Arcadia in his fight to take down Copy X’s iron-fisted regime.

X-Plus Toys’ Gigantic Mega Man Pre-Orders Now at AmiAmi
Jan 23, 2015 | Mega Man
Ah, poor Ucchy-san… though he got to debut Gigantic Mega Man figure from X-Plus Toys for us, show us the colored version, and even tease the helmetless version, it was AmiAmi who would move in for the kill on that last part.

Tune in This Weekend for Mega Man-athon 3 at MAGFest
Jan 23, 2015 | Community Developments
It’s back again this year! Half Empty E-Tank presents the Mega Man-athon 3, this year at MAGFest located at the Gaylord Hotel in Washington DC. Tune in at their Twitch channel from noon January 23rd to January 26th, 72 straight hours of Mega Man games

A Critical Look at Mega Man 6 Stages: Mr. X Stage 2
Jan 22, 2015 | Articles, Community Developments
Here’s a rare situation…

TruForce Collectibles Opens Kickstarter for Mega Man X Figure
Jan 22, 2015 | Mega Man
When TruForce Collectibles first announced their intention of creating a high-end collectible Mega Man X figure, they made it known that they might look to Kickstarter in order to get the funding necessary for the figure’s tooling. Today, that part of the plan has come to fruition.

Archie Gets Humble; Comic Bundle Now Available
Jan 22, 2015 | Mega Man
Archie Comics has announced that for the first time ever, they are joining forces with Humble Bundle to offer a large batch of great comics at a much greater price, with the proceeds going to charity.

The Case of the Bad Bad Mettaurs
Jan 21, 2015 | Community Developments
What happens to a pair of mischievous Mettaurs when they prank the wrong person?

The Completionist Takes On the First Three Mega Man Games
Jan 20, 2015 | Community Developments
The folks over at The Completionist recently took up Mega-arms to challenge the first three Mega Man games by way of 2005’s Mega Man Anniversary Collection.

Chikao Ōtsuka, Voice of Dr. Weil, Passes Away at 85
Jan 19, 2015 | Mega Man
>A few days ago, it came to my attention through TSSZ News that Chikao Ōtsuka, the Japanese voice of Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik, passed away at the age of 85.<

Rockman Dystopia Tracks Revealed
Jan 17, 2015 | Mega Man
It’s been a while since we heard about the forthcoming release of Rockman Dystopia, a concept album of hard rock and techno designed to reflect the darker atmosphere of the Rockman X series versus its lighter Classic-based counterpart in Rockman Utopia. But now, at the dawning of a new year, we have new info to share as well.

A Critical Look at Mega Man 6 Stages: Mr. X Stage 1
Jan 16, 2015 | Articles, Community Developments
I’m not sure how much praise I’ve given Tatebo before…

Mega Man #48 and Complete Worlds Collide Covers and Solicitations
Jan 14, 2015 | Mega Man
Covers and solicitations for Archie’s April 2015 offerings are now available, with a few surprises in store.

TruForce Collectibles Revises X Figure Colors
Jan 14, 2015 | Mega Man
A couple of weeks ago, we brought you the first draft of TruForce Collectibles’ color scheme for their upcoming Mega Man X figure, and you made your voices heard. With that said, they’ve gone back to the drawing board to touch things up a bit following fan feedback.

Mega Man and Mega Man 3 Now Free to Play on Your Browser!
Jan 13, 2015 | Mega Man
We’ve just learned that Mega Man and Mega Man 3 are now both available to play for free, right from the comfort of your own home computer via your browser. And by “free to play,” we’re not talking about the more negative mobile connotation of the term– we mean you start it up and you play it without paying anything, completely legitimately!

ScrewAttack Argues “The Best EVER!” Mega Man Game
Jan 11, 2015 | Community Developments
ScrewAttack has brought back their show, “The Best EVER!,” and after debating who the best Super Smash Bros. for Wii U character EVER is, they’ve now turned their sights towards one of their answers: Mega Man.

Mega Man #45 on Nook Two Weeks Early
Jan 10, 2015 | Mega Man
Want to check out the next exciting issue of Archie’s Mega Man, but don’t want to wait a full two weeks to view it? Well, if you have the Barnes & Noble Nook or the Nook app, we may have an answer for you!

Mega Man Battle Network 2 Hits NA Virtual Console Today
Jan 8, 2015 | Mega Man
Jack in! MegaMan, execute!

New Mega Man Game Released (In South Korea)!
Jan 7, 2015 | Mega Man
In the most unexpected news of the day, if not the year so far (at only a week in), a new Mega Man game has emerged from beyond the mists… in South Korea. Oh, and it’s on Android, too.

Check Out This Old Blockbuster Commercial Featuring Mega Man X
Jan 7, 2015 | Community Developments
Okay, things are running a little bit slow around here at the moment…
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