TMMN Staff

Mega Man and Mega Man 3 Now Free to Play on Your Browser!

Mega Man and Mega Man 3 Now Free to Play on Your Browser!

We’ve just learned that Mega Man and Mega Man 3 are now both available to play for free, right from the comfort of your own home computer via your browser. And by “free to play,” we’re not talking about the more negative mobile connotation of the term– we mean you start it up and you play it without paying anything, completely legitimately!

Mega Man #45 on Nook Two Weeks Early

Mega Man #45 on Nook Two Weeks Early

Want to check out the next exciting issue of Archie’s Mega Man, but don’t want to wait a full two weeks to view it? Well, if you have the Barnes & Noble Nook or the Nook app, we may have an answer for you!