Archie Gets Humble; Comic Bundle Now Available

Archie Comics has announced that for the first time ever, they are joining forces with Humble Bundle to offer a large batch of great comics at a much greater price, with the proceeds going to charity.

Humble Bundle’s unique “name your price” system allows customers to choose their own price for the bundle. Customers can pay any amount and will receive AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE MAGAZINE #1, THE FOX: FREAK MAGNET, SONIC/MEGA MAN: WORLDS COLLIDE VOL 1. and THE BEST OF ARCHIE BOOK ONE.  

Users who pay above the average price of the Archie Comics Humble Bundle will receive THE DEATH OF ARCHIE, ARCHIE MEETS KISS, THE BEST OF ARCHIE BOOK TWO, CHILLING ADVENTURES OF SABRINA #1, and SONIC/MEGA MAN: WORLDS COLLIDE VOL 2. 

Customers who pay $15 or more will receive all of the above plus AFTERLIFE WITH ARCHIE VOL. 1: ESCAPE FROM RIVERDALE, ARCHIE COMICS SPECTACULAR: PARTY TIME, ARCHIE: THE MARRIED LIFE VOL 1., and SONIC/MEGA MAN: WORLDS COLLIDE VOL. 3.  That’s just the beginning as additional titles will be revealed throughout the duration of the promotion!

According to the press statement, the bundle is valued at $149, though fans who have already purchased the entirety of Worlds Collide can easily tell you that story alone would cost you quite a bit more than the $15 minimum required to get all three parts. As such, this is a terrific way for those who didn’t get to read the original crossover to get ready for the upcoming sequel, Worlds Unite.

“As with all Humble Bundles,” the statement notes, “customers can choose how their money is allocated, between the publisher and charities.” In this case, the charities in question are The Hero Initiative, which aids comic creators in need of a financial safety net for “emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work”, as well as the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, who “protects the freedom to read comics through legal action and education initiatives” and supports “readers, creators, librarians, retailers, publishers, and educators of comics.”

The Humble Archie Comics Bundle can be purchased here until 2pm EST on Wednesday, February 4th, 2015.

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