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Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Well, if Mega Man from the Legends series wasn't enough, how 'bout classic Roll? Donning her broom and a face of determination, she's ready to enter the fight. I can see the interest for this game to come to the West rising steadily. Check out Dengeki for more...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Mega Man 3 coming to download?

Time to board the speculation game again. The good ol' OFLC has recently classified Mega Man 3 in their database. Since the applicant is Nintendo, it seems likely this means MM3 's headed to the Wii's Virtual Console (though curiously it's referred to as a...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

The Bestest Air Man Action Figure Ever

You never know what you're going to find on Youtube... IRC member ChaotixXero hooked us up with this video of a do-it-yourself Air Man figure. I don't know about you guys, but I think it's pretty fresh. The whole process was recorded, so we're able to see just what it...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Mega Man 9 is #1

Source: Nintendo Everything - Our second language is Nintendo++ - Blog Archive - Top WiiWare, VC titles of the week

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

What is a Maverick?

Ever since Mega Man X first broke onto the Super NES scene, the term "Maverick" has been a longstanding part of the series' jargon. We know it as the localized form of the term "Irregular" from Japan, which has pervaded games in other Rockman series from Zero to ZX...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Proto Man: The Robot Without a Story

Good news and bad news, folks! The good news is that Capcom has announced that today will be the day for the first batch of Mega Man 9 DLC Hey Mega Man junkies, We’re proud to announce that the first of the Downloadable Content packs for Mega Man 9 will be available...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Siliconera Speaks with Ippo Yamada

Now this is pretty cool. Gaming site Siliconera has an interview with Ippo Yamada (aka IPPO), a man responsible for the music in a number of Mega Man titles, including the recently released Mega Man 9. Given how much I love the Mega Man series music, Ippo Yamada is...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom Covers MM9… Again!

Seth Killian of the Capcom*Unity has done it once again, unearthing another more thorough review of Mega Man 9 by Stuttering Craig of You can check it out for yourself here. And for kicks, you can see Craig nerding out over the press kit in his Mega...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Will You Be Lucky Enough to Score a Mega Man 9 Press Kit?

That's the question on everyone's mind, after Capcom revealed the coveted item. Now, according to Snow on the Capcom*Unity, the sets have come in and they are giving out codes to select Capcom*Unity members which makes them eligible to order the kit. We still have...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

More MM9 Arranged Album Samples

Inti Creates has posted two more samples for the Rockman 9 Arrange Soundtrack on its homepage in the banner. These samples include Magma Man's stage, and the theme song "Hikaru Asu e," which is an arrangement of the staff roll with vocals. The RM9 AST releases in...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Penny Arcade Does Mega Man 9

Those who appreciate the efforts of Jerry "Tycho Brahe" Holkins and Mike "Johnathan Gabriel" Krahulik with Penny Arcade may find today's strip (well, yesterday's now) to be amusing, if not just something that makes you smile. Of the comic, following commentary was...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Mega Man 9 Desktop Icons

Capcom's Seth Killian has posted on his blog about a Mega Man fan known simply as "Mitch," who has assembled a set of downloadable desktop icons of the eight Robot Masters from Mega Man 9. You can find them for yourself at his blog, and download each one you want...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

GameTrailers’ Mega Man 9 Video Review

One more review, for those interested. Better late than never, GameTrailers has a five-minute video review of Mega Man 9. So what did they think? Were they too harsh? Too generous? Or did they hit the nail on the head? Tell us in the comments!

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

MM9 sells 140K in first week

Following up on the news of Mega Man 9's stellar 60,000 copies sold the in the day of its debut, the data at VGChartz shows that Mega Man 9 has sold an estimated 140,000 copies in its first week. And this is just on the Wii. And just in North America. This makes it...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Born for Wii: MegaMan Legends

There is no small number of Mega Man fans who would like to see Capcom revive its groundbreaking (for the Mega Man franchise, anyway) Legends series. However, it seems that there simply are not enough people (yet) to persuade them to greenlight a sequel, even with an...

Roll lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Full Mega Man 9 Script

Thanks to a very generous (and admittedly bored) donor, forum member Rew, we now have all of the dialog from Mega Man 9. For those of you with 360s (me, included) who haven't been able to experience Mega Man 9, yet, have fun. I personally won't be reading, I'll wait...