TMMN Staff

Mega Man Gigamix Vol. 1 Hits Stores Tomorrow
May 24, 2011 | Mega Man
Rejoice Ariga fans, your first big helping of Mega Man Gigamix comes tomorrow! Via a notice from UDON's Matt Moylan, that's when you can expect the manga to hit stores. Online orders ought to be forthcoming soon after. We've gotten numerous tips over the past couple...

Rockman Online Introduces the Sky Fortress “Atlas”
May 24, 2011 | Mega Man
Been a bit of time since we've heard about Rockman Online, but the official blog finally has a new location update. This time we're introduced to the floating fortress named Atlas. As the wars between the UCA and URA have spread across the world, it's become necessary...

Returning Reaverbots to Haunt You in MML3
May 23, 2011 | Mega Man
After polling the Japan and Western devrooms for the Reaverbots people would like to see return in Mega Man Legends 3, the results are in. Coming in top is Gorbesh, the infamous , Joe-esque shield and gun Reaverbot. Following that is Mimic, the classic trap treasure...

MML3 Prototype Contest Update: Extension Granted
May 22, 2011 | Site Developments
Just a quick update. As discussed yesterday, we're moving the contest deadline to June 14th, midnight PST. Truthfully we were more or less set on this, and most of you who commented appeared to be for it. We do apologize if this inconveniences anyone entering. I think...

Mega Man #5 Solicitation Answers One Question on Everyone’s Mind
May 22, 2011 | Mega Man
The first issue of Archie's new Mega Man comic has only just come out, and yet we now have a preview of what's to come after the inaugural story arc "Let the Games Begin!" Two new covers have been revealed, apparently continuing the "Villain Variant" theme introduced...

A Taste of ASIAGRAPH’s Rockman Exhibit
May 22, 2011 | Mega Man
Back in February, it was announced that the ASIAGRAPH group would be featuring Rockman for an upcoming exhibit. Digital artists from all around Asia were invited to submit their work fir display and a chance to win prizes. Although the main exhibit isn't planned until...

MML3 Prototype Contest Update: Considering an Extension
May 21, 2011 | Site Developments
Hey there folks. I don't have so much of a supercharged update for you this week, but more of a serious query. In light of the indefinite delay of Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version, we have been considering extending the entry period for our contest. There's no...

The Mega Man Legends 3 Project Devroom Wants YOUR Ideas for New Content!
May 20, 2011 | Mega Man
Over at the Mega Man Legends 3 Project Devroom, Kinako has made an update pertaining to the news regarding the Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version delay we reported on just earlier. She notes that "The nature of games development is that sudden changes are prone to...

It’s the End of the World
May 20, 2011 | Mega Man
Okay, so maybe it's not the end of the world, but Mega Man Legends fans may treat it that way just the same after they catch wind of today's news. It seems that no Legends title is safe, whether they've been released or not. First, there is the matter of a PlayStation...

Mega Man Gets Delicious
May 20, 2011 | Community Developments
This may look like just an ordinary statue of Mega Man. But this sculpture by Toni Spaziani is, in fact, made out of chocolate. That's right, you could take a big, tasty bite out of it! Well, providing it's not coated in some kind of special lacquer or preservative. I...

MML3 Devroom: MegaMan Design Round 2 – FIGHT!
May 19, 2011 | Mega Man
Or, VOTE! rather. MegaMan's fashion crisis continues on and it's up to us to resolve things. However, given the results of the last poll, backers of designs B and C were pretty close. So those designs have been redefined in the new D and E designs, which have taken...

Your Battle Network Questions Answered
May 18, 2011 | Mega Man
Well probably not all of them, nearly. But you may recall that Capcom invited questions to the developers of Mega Man Battle Network in honor of the series' 10th anniversary back in March. Capcom has now posted their select answers, from series artist Yuji Ishuhara...

D-Arts Full Armor X Announced for September
May 18, 2011 | Mega Man
Seems with Rockman X out the door, Bandai is looking to speed things up. We have Zero on the way for Japan in August, and now AmiAmi's pre-order is showing Full Armor X is set to release in September. This is yet another new figure, and not just replacement parts as...

So Long and Take Care, jgonzo
May 17, 2011 | Other News
This isn't really Mega Man news so much, but I want to take the time to thank someone who's been very important to this site, and to me. After today, Community Manager Joveth "jgonzo" Gonzalez will be leaving Capcom, and is setting off for a new life in Austin, Texas....

MML3 Prototype Contest Update: Whole Kit and Caboodle
May 15, 2011 | Site Developments
Good day folks. I hope you are all getting very excited now that we know just when Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version is coming out! I also hope you've been working hard on your contest entries. Remember that the time for entries is up on midnight, May 31st. That's...

Keiji Inafune Reveals Capcom’s Past Development Secrets
May 14, 2011 | Mega Man
This isn't strictly Mega Man-related, but given who it focuses on and what he is talking about, we figured the relevance was enough that you might be interested. Keiji Inafune, former Capcom employee of 24 years and who is often hailed as the "Father of Mega Man,"...

The Results of Capcom’s Desired Figure Vote
May 13, 2011 | Mega Man
It's been about six weeks now, with the vote having begun back on April 1st. But voting is done and the results are finally in. 6,602 total votes were received, and now as promised Ucchy-san delivers us the results. The top three most desired characters to be turned...

Ucchy-San Visits Bandai, Gets Figure Scoop
May 13, 2011 | Mega Man
Ucchy-san details in a blog post about recently visiting Bandai to report on the results of the recent character vote for desired figures. Bandai must have been pleased as punch to see Zero as number one, and AT-san, the man Ucchy met with, displayed their Zero figure...

Rockman DASH 3 Updates of Mystery and Intrigue (Updated with the Good Stuff)
May 13, 2011 | Mega Man
Heat Edit: You see folks, this is what happens when you're as incredibly awesome and important as I am, and a maven of fantastic Mega Man coverage. Can't even leave the compound for an ICEE without being extremely needed! Hahaha, I kid I kid. But the new trailer does...

Mega Man Legends 3 Prototype Version to Launch on June 6th
May 12, 2011 | Mega Man
Nintendo has just announced that, contrary to previous reports, the Nintendo 3DS eShop will be launching on "the evening of June 6 Pacific time." As such, this means that the release of Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version will also be delayed, and while nothing...
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