Returning Reaverbots to Haunt You in MML3

After polling the Japan and Western devrooms for the Reaverbots people would like to see return in Mega Man Legends 3, the results are in. Coming in top is Gorbesh, the infamous , Joe-esque shield and gun Reaverbot. Following that is Mimic, the classic trap treasure box, Filshdot, the sonic wave emitting fish Reaverbot, and Poh, the strange, mummy-like Reaverbot that transforms into a frightening beast.
Additionally, two more were selected based on strong user comments. The first is Arukoitan, the remote controlled bipedal Reaverbot (which would lead me to think Ordakoitan is returning as well). The other is Mandomantal, the large and friendly ray fish Reaverbot.

So what do you think of the turn out? Personally I’m pretty stoked, three of my top picks made it! Mandomantal is definitely the shocker though. While certainly a cool Reaverbot, I’m not crazy about having more underwater ruins in Legends, unless they have some type of improvement.

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