TMMN Staff

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover
Apr 8, 2013 | Mega Man
Remember when Archie hyped the launch of the Mega Man comic book with a special teaser trailer for the first issue? Well, they're at it again, this time with an assist from IGN for the "Worlds Collide" crossover with Sonic the Hedgehog. Be sure to watch to the very...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 1
Apr 7, 2013 | Featured, Site Developments
Wily Stage 1 and Music Right away, we can see the gimmick for this stage. It is filled with Mets, and only Mets. Despite this restriction, the first few screens offer a good mix of interactions with them. The first two we meet are jumpers. The first one on the next...

You’ll Have to Drop Mad Cash for this Gold and Diamond Mega Man
Apr 6, 2013 | Other News
Has none of today's slew of Mega Man merchandise been expensive enough or blingy enough for your tastes? Well jeweler TraxNYC has you covered with this custom made Mega Man pendant (yeah it's actually Mega Man X, a common mistake). The pendant is made of 10k white...

Project X Zone Finally Gets North American Release Date
Apr 6, 2013 | Mega Man
At long last, the wait is over: Project X Zone has a North American release date. Now a new wait begins! The last we heard about it, the game was slated for a release sometime in the summer of 2013. But now, Namco Bandai Games has posted a page for the title which...

Say Hi to Mega Man at E3 and Comic-Con
Apr 5, 2013 | Mega Man
If you're headed to the San Diego Comic-Con to pick up one of Capcom's limited edition Mega Man figures, you can also greet this this life sized version of the figure as well! This is related to the special photo op that Unity's Brelston had mentioned before,...

Capcom US Releasing “E Can” Sound Set as Separate Downloads
Apr 5, 2013 | Mega Man
Last year in Japan, Capcom released an impressive but pricy 25th anniversary commemorative item, the "Rockcan E Can" containing the music from the ten main Mega Man games in a tin E Tank holder. Now Capcom US is selling the tracks their own way. Capcom has just...

Original Mega Man Composer Joins Production of Shovel Knight
Apr 5, 2013 | Other News
Wow, you guys must really be excited about this news, given all the tips we've gotten. Never let it be said we don't live to please... For everyone else who doesn't know, Shovel Knight is a game being developed by Yacht Club Games, a studio formed by former employees...

Ultimate Armor X is the Next D-Arts Figure, PLUS Figuarts Sigma
Apr 5, 2013 | Mega Man
Following Ucchy's April Fools ruse earlier this week, the true future D-Arts figure from Bandai is revealed. D-Arts Ultimate Armor X is going into production. Can I call them or what? On top of that, Ucchy-san also confirms that Sigma is being released as a Figuarts...

Behold the One-Man Spark Mandrill Acapella
Apr 5, 2013 | Community Developments
This is Smooth McGroove, who performs one-man acapella renditions of video game tunes. One man, though he plays eight different parts of the tune in synch, which is still impressive as you listen to his version of Spark Mandrill's theme from Mega Man X above, which...

The Blue Ink: Archie’s Mega Man #24 – “Worlds Collide” Part 1: Two Guys, a Reset Button, and the Cosmic Joke
Apr 4, 2013 | Reviews
"We have to get these two together." --Dr. Peter Venkman "I think that would be extraordinarily dangerous." --Dr. Egon Spengler, Ghostbusters ---------------------------------------- A year or so ago, when Wily was causing all sorts of havoc with his second Robot...

Game Grumps Lock Their Sights on Mega Man X7
Apr 3, 2013 | Community Developments
Thanks to a tip from Toastykins, we're happy to bring to you the latest episode of "Game Grumps," in which Mega Man X7 is put through its paces by the Scramble-Changing duo of JonTron and Egoraptor (who sort of sounds like a Mega Man X character himself). Do note that...

Big Comixology Sale and Free “Worlds Collide” Preview April 2nd – 4th
Apr 2, 2013 | Mega Man
Ready to check out the Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog crossover, "Worlds Collide?" If you're a subscriber, then you should already be getting it in the mail. If not, then you'll want to head over to Comixology between April 2nd and 4th for a free preview issue featuring...

Which of These Upcoming D-Arts Figures Isn’t a Joke?
Mar 31, 2013 | Mega Man
Over on Rockman Unity, Ucchy-san is brimming with excitement to announce FOUR new upcoming characters for Bandai's D-Arts figure line! There's classic series Roll, Ultimate Armor X, Iris, and Zero from the MMZ series. Talk about a deluge of new products! Ahh, but...

Brazilian Mega Man Makes Cracked List of Iconic Characters’ Insane Foreign Comic Reboots
Mar 31, 2013 | Community Developments
Cracked has a new list up, this one detailing "5 Iconic Characters Who Got Insane Reboots in Foreign Comics." Interestingly enough, for only being five entries long, two of them go to comic book versions of video game characters. In addition to the story "Super Mario...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Dr. Cossack Stage 4
Mar 31, 2013 | Featured, Site Developments
Cossack Stage 4 The path to Cossack starts off with some refills, an E-Tank, and a nice view of the night sky. Pakatto and Jumbig are easily dealt with by now, and we've already met both in worse situations. Biree makes another appearance here. This time we'll have to...

Introducing The Mega Man Network’s Rock Tumblr!
Mar 30, 2013 | Community Developments, Site Developments
For those of you out there who use Tumblr, we just wanted to let you know that we've carved out our own little space on the blogging network. Called "The Mega Man Network's Rock Tumblr," we'll be providing links to new content on TMMN as it comes, but also some more...

Diamond’s Previews Catalog Turns Up the Bass with New D-Arts Solicitation
Mar 29, 2013 | Mega Man
Previews, the catalog for comic book distributor Diamond, has updated with a new listing which many of you have no doubt been eagerly awaiting: The D-Arts action figures of Bass and Treble from Bandai and Bluefin Tamashii Nations! From Tamashii Nations! Previously...

25th Anniversary Mega Man Statue Now Available for Pre-Order in Capcom Store
Mar 29, 2013 | Mega Man
Capcom Unity has just announced that the limited edition 25th anniversary statue of Mega Man first shown at PAX East is now available for pre-order in the Capcom Store. "This was originally announced as a SDCC 2013 exclusive," notes Community Manager Brett Elston,...

Check Out the Rockman Xover Boss Nominees
Mar 29, 2013 | Mega Man
The selection process for the Rockman Xover boss character contest has come to a head. Of the total 816 entries submitted, 50 have been chosen as nominees. You can view the whole roster here. Over at Rockman Unity, Ucchy selected ten of those 50 to comment on,...

Inafune Doodles Mega Man at Boss Battle Gallery
Mar 28, 2013 | Community Developments
With Keiji Inafune recently dropping by San Francisco, it looks like he made his way to the Mega Man Boss Battle art gallery. Not only that, but he was caught doing a little Mega graffiti, too. It's nice to see how much respect Inafune still has for Mega Man even...
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