TMMN Staff

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Project X Zone Finally Gets North American Release Date

At long last, the wait is over: Project X Zone has a North American release date. Now a new wait begins! The last we heard about it, the game was slated for a release sometime in the summer of 2013. But now, Namco Bandai Games has posted a page for the title which...

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Say Hi to Mega Man at E3 and Comic-Con

If you're headed to the San Diego Comic-Con to pick up one of Capcom's limited edition Mega Man figures, you can also greet this this life sized version of the figure as well! This is related to the special photo op that Unity's Brelston had mentioned before,...

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Original Mega Man Composer Joins Production of Shovel Knight

Wow, you guys must really be excited about this news, given all the tips we've gotten. Never let it be said we don't live to please... For everyone else who doesn't know, Shovel Knight is a game being developed by Yacht Club Games, a studio formed by former employees...

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Ultimate Armor X is the Next D-Arts Figure, PLUS Figuarts Sigma

Following Ucchy's April Fools ruse earlier this week, the true future D-Arts figure from Bandai is revealed. D-Arts Ultimate Armor X is going into production. Can I call them or what? On top of that, Ucchy-san also confirms that Sigma is being released as a Figuarts...

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Behold the One-Man Spark Mandrill Acapella

This is Smooth McGroove, who performs one-man acapella renditions of video game tunes. One man, though he plays eight different parts of the tune in synch, which is still impressive as you listen to his version of Spark Mandrill's theme from Mega Man X above, which...

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Game Grumps Lock Their Sights on Mega Man X7

Thanks to a tip from Toastykins, we're happy to bring to you the latest episode of "Game Grumps," in which Mega Man X7 is put through its paces by the Scramble-Changing duo of JonTron and Egoraptor (who sort of sounds like a Mega Man X character himself). Do note that...

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Which of These Upcoming D-Arts Figures Isn’t a Joke?

Over on Rockman Unity, Ucchy-san is brimming with excitement to announce FOUR new upcoming characters for Bandai's D-Arts figure line! There's classic series Roll, Ultimate Armor X, Iris, and Zero from the MMZ series. Talk about a deluge of new products! Ahh, but...

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Check Out the Rockman Xover Boss Nominees

The selection process for the Rockman Xover boss character contest has come to a head. Of the total 816 entries submitted, 50 have been chosen as nominees. You can view the whole roster here. Over at Rockman Unity, Ucchy selected ten of those 50 to comment on,...

“Worlds Collide” Trailer for Archie’s Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog Crossover

Inafune Doodles Mega Man at Boss Battle Gallery

With Keiji Inafune recently dropping by San Francisco, it looks like he made his way to the Mega Man Boss Battle art gallery. Not only that, but he was caught doing a little Mega graffiti, too. It's nice to see how much respect Inafune still has for Mega Man even...