LBD "Nytetrayn"

Reika Morishita’s “Another Sun 2012” Single Coming Next Month
Feb 19, 2013 | Mega Man
Last year we learned that Reika Morishita's arranged theme songs for Rockman DASH garnered enough support to get an actual single release. In case you weren't aware, that album is coming out pretty soon now. Releasing in Japan on March 6th, Another Sun 2012 contains...

Looking Back: Mega Man V
Feb 18, 2013 | Articles
As part of our celebration of the Mega Man series hitting its 25th anniversary, we are featuring a look back at many of the games of the Mega Man series. This time, I’m reviewing Mega Man V, which perfected much of the groundwork laid down by its predecessor while...

Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X is Free for PlayStation Plus Members
Feb 18, 2013 | Mega Man
Hot on the heels of Mega Man 9 & 10 being given away free for PlayStation Plus members (ok, a month later), it has now been revealed that Mega Man Maverick Hunter X will be the next free digital offering. It will be available tomorrow, February 19th. The game is...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Pharaoh Man
Feb 17, 2013 | Articles, Community Developments
Pharaoh Man's Stage and Music Mega Man sinks into the quicksand slowly, and will die if he reaches the bottom. This takes a long time and the sand doesn't hinder his jumping at all (though it slows his walking speed a little) so it's not a serious threat. The...

Solicitation for Mega Man #26 – “Worlds Collide” Part 7
Feb 16, 2013 | Mega Man
Back at the beginning of the month, we brought you the tribute-paying cover of Mega Man #26 from Archie, which marks the seventh chapter of the "Worlds Collide" crossover with their Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe books. Today, thanks to Sockie and Midtown...

Check Out the Mega Man Panel at This Year’s MomoCon
Feb 16, 2013 | Community Developments
If you're going to be attending this year's MomoCon, which is being held from March 8th to 10th in Atlanta, Georgia, then you may want to check out Scott Laney's Mega Man Fan Panel, which will be in its second year. According to Scott, the focus is on the community...

The Blue Ink Reviews: Archie’s Mega Man #22 – Digital Love
Feb 15, 2013 | Reviews
"I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you." -Elizabeth Barrett Browning -------------------------------------- Ah, Valentine's Day. Our only excuse to buy and eat candy between Christmas and Easter. On my old college campus, it was...

More D-Arts Bass Photos, plus Some Sigma News
Feb 14, 2013 | Mega Man
Reporting from Toy Fair 2013, figure and toy site TOMOPOP got a nice look at Bandai's next entry in the Mega Man D-Arts line: Bass. You can check out their report for more photos and details. Furthermore, the reporter was also able to bring up the current status on...

More Love to Spread Around with Mega Man Valentines
Feb 14, 2013 | Community Developments
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Remember two years ago, when Heat Man did those lovely Valentine's Day cards for you all? Well, we're here to spread more love with some more cards to add to that collection! Heat Man wrote these up and I made them lovely with my fancy...

Join Storm Unity This Weekend for a 24 Hour Mega Man Marathon for Child’s Play
Feb 13, 2013 | Community Developments
This weekend, beginning at 6pm EST on Saturday, February 16th, Storm Unity is hosting a 24-hour Mega Man Marathon to raise money for Child's Play. Over the course of those 24 hours, they will be playing through all 10 Classic Mega Man titles (yes, we know there are...

GameTrailers’ Level Explores Mega Man X’s Central Highway Stage
Feb 13, 2013 | Community Developments
Mega Man X It has come to our attention that GameTrailers' new series, "Level, has just released a new episode relevant to our interests. In this installment, they explore the Central Highway stage from the original Mega Man X and how it not only helps weave the tale...

Mission Complete: Get Me Off the Moon’s Rocket Launch a Success!
Feb 12, 2013 | Community Developments
Though there was a 30 percent chance of rain, this past weekend saw a successful launch of Get Me Off the Moon's five-foot rocket. With Roll Caskett herself (or a great facsimile) there to oversee the proceedings, it reportedly soared 900 feet into the sky before...

Looking Back: Mega Man IV
Feb 11, 2013 | Articles
As part of our celebration of the Mega Man series hitting its 25th anniversary, we are featuring a look back at many of the games of the Mega Man series. This time, I’m looking at Mega Man IV, one of the best games of not just the Game Boy sub-series, but of the...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Bright Man
Feb 10, 2013 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Bright Man's Stage and Music Dompan and 100 Watton here have an interesting dynamic. Shooting Watton makes the room dark, but Dompan lets out a burst of fireworks when shot, lighting it again. Both can be destroyed in one hit, and Watton occasionally fires a bomb...

TMMN Jukebox
Feb 9, 2013 | Community Developments
We'll admit it: We tend to get busy, and while we do constantly check our inbox for tips, we aren't always able to get to things as quickly as we would like. This includes fan-made projects, such as performances and fan renditions of Mega Man music. We still want to...

A Look at the Rockman Wares Coming to Winter Wonder Festival ’13
Feb 8, 2013 | Community Developments
The 2013 Winter Wonder Festival is taking place in Japan this weekend. The Rockman offerings seem a little sparse this time around, compared to last year's HOBBY ROCK bonanza. However, once the event kicks off, even more custom and homebrew kits may surface. For now,...

Capcom Knows What Happened Between Classic and X, but Ain’t Telling (Or Did They Already?)
Feb 8, 2013 | Mega Man
What happened in the time between Mega Man and Mega Man X, and how they connect, has long been a source of mystery, speculation, and fan fiction about Zero murdering everyone. Is it possible any answer exists at all? According to Capcom, it does indeed, but they're...

Have a Listen to Xover’s New Song
Feb 7, 2013 | Mega Man
[audio:] Following our report about Rockman Xover's latest update, you can have a listen to the original theme for the new Battle Arena mode above. Although this is not officially announced, to my...

Mega Man 2 Now Available on Nintendo 3DS eShop in North America
Feb 7, 2013 | Mega Man
As promised by Capcom, the 1989 NES classic Mega Man 2 has now officially arrived on the Nintendo 3DS eShop in North America. You can download it now for just $4.99 and enjoy such benefits as portability and save states. Okay, so odds are that many of us around here...

Preview for Mega Man #22 May Warm Your Heart or Give You Chills
Feb 7, 2013 | Mega Man
If you've got a hankering for some Archie Mega Man, you can check out Destructoid for a preview of this month's issue, "Cold Crush." The locale may be cold, but it appears emotions are heating up nonetheless. Issue #22 goes on sale February 13th, just in time for...
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