Red Ash Animation Progress Update; Return to Original Name?

Looks like Mega Man isn’t the only one with animation news this week!
After a couple of months of silence, Studio 4℃ has updated their Kickstarter to provide some new information to kick off more frequent updates, just as they promised. They note that the Animetamago 2017 “Young Animator Training Program” portion of their development has been successfully completed, and they’re now ready to (once again?) use the funding provided by Kickstarter backers to resume animation production, “so that we can present more enjoyable animation to our supporters!” That funding will also be used to produce the “returns” (read: backer rewards), too, with “only several more months” before those are slated to arrive.
To that end, their crowdfunding website requests that you get back to them with pertinent information from those who pledged $94 or more, including addresses, t-shirt sizes, etc. Meanwhile, those who pledged $14 or more can partake in voting for the casting of Japanese voice actors to play the parts of Call and Tyger. Both submissions go to fun-and@studio4c.jp , and they need your input for each by April 15th, after which time they will announce the winning choices.
Finally, some new art was provided, which you can see at right. Interestingly, it retains the original name of Red Ash -Magicicada-, rather than what we saw earlier this year with Red Ash -Gearworld-. At this point, I don’t know if they just went back to the old name, or since they appear to have never formally announced the new to backers, didn’t actually rename it to begin with. Your guess is as good as mine.
Oh, one other point of note: They actually made the update on April 1st, but even though they said that’s when updates would resume, I held off for obvious reasons. Suffice to say that as April Fool’s jokes tend to go, this would not be a very funny one, so I think we can trust it.

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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