Mighty No. 9 Gets Wii U Patch While Inafune Owns All the Problems

Well, yesterday was certainly an interesting day. The good is that Mighty No. 9 finally launched — well, mostly. The bad was that all three Laws of Robotics seemed to be trumped by Murphy’s Law, as there were problems with download codes, problems with downloadable content, and even just problems getting the game to work on the Wii U.
Fortunately, Deep Silver seems to be on top of that last one. With some proclaiming there are performance issues on the platform and others saying that it outright bricked their systems, the publisher told VentureBeat (via GoNintendo by way of Deji Majek ), “We’re aware of some isolated incidents of consumers experiencing issues on Wii U, and they’re actually being addressed in a patch that’s deploying out on Wii U systems today. The patch is already live in Europe, and should be hitting U.S. before the end of the day.”
As of this writing, it’s 12:54am EST in North America, so maybe someone can confirm if the patch is out yet?
Regarding the other issues, it seems that Keiji Inafune is taking on responsibility for them all — or “owning it,” as they say. Kotaku (via Jennifer) has gone over the previously reported live stream with a fine-tooth comb and rooted out some interesting statements — as well as confirming what others had begun to suspect, in that it was translator Ben Judd and not Inafune who said that what had been released was “better than nothing.”
By that same note, it seems Judd’s own commentary is intermingled with what’s said here, so bear that in mind:
You know, I want to word this in a way to explain some of the issues that come with trying to make a game of this size on different platforms.” He’s like “I’m kind of loath to say this because it’s going to sound like an excuse and I don’t want to make any excuses. I own all the problems that came with this game and if you want to hurl insults at me, it’s totally my fault. I’m the key creator. I will own that responsibility.
Other topics covered include how the budget was only 60 percent of the full Kickstarter total that people are throwing around (Kickstarter does take a cut, of course, among other expenses, such as rewards), why doing ten versions of the game simultaneously was a bad idea, whether Inafune devoted enough of his time to ensuring the game’s quality, and the value of supportive players:
So game development is a huge challenge, it’s emotionally trying. […] It’s the kindness, it’s the supportive comments that really keep people going. Because at the end of the day, we’re just people and we just want to make a good game. It’s that sort of kindness he really appreciates. I [Ben Judd] know that when I made a game, as well, and I would go home and cry myself to sleep because it was so mentally…just destroying me. Having those comments were great.
I’m not sure how to follow that, so let’s end on an up note with Deep Silver’s pretty cool launch trailer for the game, as brought to my attention by DuoDynamo:

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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