Mighty No. 9’s Beck Finally Makes An Appearance In Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z

In what might be the most interesting and eyebrow raising crossovers ever announced, Comcept has gone through with its promise to add Beck in Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z. Beck will be a special skin in the game and will come with his own special zombie pack.
Not only is Mighty No. 9 represented in the game, but Yosuke Hayashi and Keiji Inafune came together to announce Ninja Gaiden Z mode, which introduces 8-bit sequences mixed with the modern look of the game. Even better is how the game seems to play like older 2D brawlers, much like Double Dragon.
Sources: Hardcore Gamer, Siliconera
Image sources: Hardcore Gamer
Video sources: Tecmo Koei’s Youtube Page
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