Team MMN Rocks 4th Place in Capcom Unity’s Mega Man 10 Fan Art Collaboration Contest

We just wanted to take a moment to congratulate Team MMN, which consists of our Fan Art Coordinator and Oekaki Mom Tabby and AWD!, for placing fourth in North America in Capcom’s Mega Man 10 Fan Art Collaboration contest.
In addition to being highlighted on Capcom Unity, their work was appraised by a panel of judges from Capcom branches around the world. Capcom Europe Product and Community Manager Karl Reader said:
“Mega Man through the ages! – A well thought out concept. I’d completely forgotten about MM Powered up on the PSP!”
Capcom USA Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez added:
“Major, major props for turning out an amazing entry like this! I love that the artists took the time to research and include all these different variations of the blue bomber (including the Captain N version!). This is true fan dedication!”
And last, but not least, Akiko Ito, the Associate Producer for Mega Man 10, represented Capcom of Japan and stated:
“Many, many, many Mega Man! It looks gorgeous! The original box art Mega Man stands with its absurd design and it makes me laugh. Thank you so much for this Mega Man All-Star tribute!”
Tabby herself said of working on the project:
“It was an honor and joy working with AWD. We both did 5 sketches each, then he inked all the drawings, and I went ahead and colored them. I have to say, he really took my sketches and made them SING with his inking skills. I think it really all came together, and it was hard drawing all the versions of Mega Man.”
We’re sorry you two didn’t get the top prize, but we applaud this awesome effort nonetheless.
You can find Tabby and AWD!’s previous Mega Man 10 contest entries by visiting this link, and see who else placed in the Top 5 here and here, with more to come as they are posted.
And if I may add as an editorial aside, I’m proud to have them use the “Team MMN” name when working on this piece; we try to cover every facet of the Blue Bomber on this site, and (at least where the Classic series is concerned, as per the contest), this work really seems to represent that mentality perfectly. Excellent work, you two. This post is a little late, admittedly, but I hope you’ve both taken the time to pat yourselves on the back.
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