Capcom Unity MM10 Art Contest: The Secret Meaning of Duo

Last week, we posted this little blurb about the judging of Capcom’s Solar Man fan art competition, the results of which can be found here. And at the time, this week’s contest had but a single hint: a picture of Duo, which led to some fun speculation.
But as it turns out, I was wrong. You were wrong. Everybody was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
Over Capcom Unity way, JGonzo has revealed that this week’s contest does indeed focus on duos, perhaps even duos who are dynamic, but not duos who are Mega Man and Proto Man– that is, unless you wish for them to be. Rather, the duos in question are comprised of you, the artist, alongside another artist with whom you will randomly be paired.
And the subject? Anything you want it to be– provided it relates to Mega Man 10, of course.
With the nature of this particular contest, pairs of artists will find themselves with not one, but two weeks to get things done. As if that weren’t fitting enough, the winners will be decided by members from perhaps not one, but two Capcoms (USA and Japan), and they will receive a pair of Mega Man and Proto Man Kubrick/Be@rbrick packages. Mind, it isn’t specified whether that means each participant on the winning team receives one of each, or if they’ll have to fight over who takes home Proto Man.
You’ll have until 12pm PDT on Tuesday, March 16th to declare your interest by sending JGonzo a personal message on the Unity boards. You can find further clarification of the rules and procedures regarding partnerships here.
Finally, this contest is considered “just for fun,” and isn’t a part of the regularly ongoing series of contests we’ve been witness to thus far; the final round of those will begin next week as scheduled.
To those who participate, good luck!
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