Both Mega Man and Mega Man X Official Complete Works due Dec. 23rd; sample images
Our very good friend from UDON, Matt Moylan, has let us know that both Mega Man Official Complete Works and Mega Man X Official Complete Works (as seen recently on the Mega Man 22nd birthday live stream) will be available next week, just in time for Christmas. Here is the official statement from Matt:
Just wanted to let you know that we can finally say both Mega Man Official Complete Works, and Mega Man X Official Complete Works will be arriving in comic book stores next Wednesday Dec 23! Just barely in time for X-mas(or Mega Man X-mas if you prefer heh). As for regular book stores, and online vendors line Amazon, that is less precise. Could be a few days earlier, could be a few days later, but all book have shipped to retailers. If you want them for sure on Wednesday, head to a comic book shop.
Of course I know what you really came here for, the sample pages! Let this be your final sweet temptation (warning, large sized images).
Thanks for the lovely images, Matt! We look forward to the books!
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