Tag: Role Playing Game

The Robotic Age Needs Your Help to Get Their Butts to Mars

The Robotic Age Needs Your Help to Get Their Butts to Mars

A little over a year ago, we shared with you the Kickstarter plight of one Preston Poland, who sought to develop a classic table-top role playing game inspired by the likes of Mega Man (as well as Transformers and Gundam). Thanks to 153 backers, the project was funded “with gusto,” and The Robot Age became a reality.

A little over a year ago, we shared with you the Kickstarter plight of one Preston Poland, who sought to develop a classic table-top role playing game inspired by the likes of Mega Man (as well as Transformers and Gundam). Thanks to 153 backers, the project was funded “with gusto,” and The Robot Age became a reality.

Robotic Age Kickstarter Wants to Make an RPG Suitable for Mega Man (Among Others)

Robotic Age Kickstarter Wants to Make an RPG Suitable for Mega Man (Among Others)

Have you ever wanted to play a good old-fashioned table-top role playing game set in a universe like Mega Man, Gundam,
or some other universe which heavily features robots, yet found other
systems ill-suited towards this objective? Then Kickstarter has just the
project for you!

Have you ever wanted to play a good old-fashioned table-top role playing game set in a universe like Mega Man, Gundam,
or some other universe which heavily features robots, yet found other
systems ill-suited towards this objective? Then Kickstarter has just the
project for you!