Tag: Mega Man

Shipping Announcement for UFS Mega Man: Rise of the Masters Cards

Shipping Announcement for UFS Mega Man: Rise of the Masters Cards

It was only a few days ago when we posted about the latest news in the world of the Universal Fighting System’s Mega Man line from Jasco Games, and we’ve since received an update regarding the status of the core set cards’ shipment.

It was only a few days ago when we posted about the latest news in the world of the Universal Fighting System’s Mega Man line from Jasco Games, and we’ve since received an update regarding the status of the core set cards’ shipment.

Proto Man Still Ain’t Fond of Sniper Joe in UFS

Proto Man Still Ain’t Fond of Sniper Joe in UFS

It’s been quite some time since we last heard anything about Jasco Games’ Mega Man cards for the Universal Fighting System trading card game around these parts…

It’s been quite some time since we last heard anything about Jasco Games’ Mega Man cards for the Universal Fighting System trading card game around these parts…