Tag: Mega Man

A Critical Look at Mega Man 7 Stages: The First Four Robot Masters

A Critical Look at Mega Man 7 Stages: The First Four Robot Masters

Completing the first four stages opens up the second segment of the game. Since we’re certain to have fought each of these bosses at this point, we can now check out the weapons we’ve collected so far and what we can do with them. But first, the bosses.

Completing the first four stages opens up the second segment of the game. Since we’re certain to have fought each of these bosses at this point, we can now check out the weapons we’ve collected so far and what we can do with them. But first, the bosses.

New Mega Man and Zero Figures Both Big and Small

New Mega Man and Zero Figures Both Big and Small

Thanks to a tip from Vhyper1985, we’ve got word that there are two new Mega Man figures coming soon, and they couldn’t be more different. View fullsize First, via Nintendo Life, there’s the Nendoroid version of Classic Mega Man. Revealed at the Summer Wonder Festival 2015, there is no release date or price for this […]

Thanks to a tip from Vhyper1985, we’ve got word that there are two new Mega Man figures coming soon, and they couldn’t be more different. View fullsize First, via Nintendo Life, there’s the Nendoroid version of Classic Mega Man. Revealed at the...