Tag: Mega Man

Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

Previously, we brought you a brief glimpse of the cover for Archie’s Mega Man #10, which gave us an idea of what to expect from the second part of their adaptation of Mega Man 2. And thanks to Merricks and Comics Continuum, we have a larger image of the cover, as well as a solicitation! […]

Previously, we brought you a brief glimpse of the cover for Archie’s Mega Man #10, which gave us an idea of what to expect from the second part of their adaptation of Mega Man 2. And thanks to Merricks and Comics Continuum, we have a larger image of the cover,...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

Would Capcom Consider a Mega Man Movie?

by PreacherDudeRox Well, not yet actually. In fact, he’s currently fighting with TV Man. You see, it’s not “a confirmation in the slightest,” it’s more like something to write down and to keep in mind. Recently, there’s been some talk on the Ask Capcom forums about the possibility of a theatrical Mega Man film (essentially, […]

by PreacherDudeRox Well, not yet actually. In fact, he’s currently fighting with TV Man. You see, it’s not “a confirmation in the slightest,” it’s more like something to write down and to keep in mind. Recently, there’s been some...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

The Megaman Project

Being a Graphic Designer, I can always appreciate when I’m allowed to combine what I studied in school for a career and my love for my nerdy hobbies like Mega Man. A fellow Graphic Designer by the name of Jack Bloom has produced a marvelous set of portfolio pieces based on Mega Man, which he […]

Being a Graphic Designer, I can always appreciate when I’m allowed to combine what I studied in school for a career and my love for my nerdy hobbies like Mega Man. A fellow Graphic Designer by the name of Jack Bloom has produced a marvelous set of portfolio...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

Ariga Teases New Mega Man Project

Thanks to a tip from our friendly neighborhood Wilyman, we learned a little bit ahead of schedule that Hitoshi Ariga, writer/artist for the Megamix and Gigamix line of Mega Man manga, has revealed on his deviantART account that he is “currently working on a new Mega Man project!” Unfortunately, that’s all he says. And no, […]

Thanks to a tip from our friendly neighborhood Wilyman, we learned a little bit ahead of schedule that Hitoshi Ariga, writer/artist for the Megamix and Gigamix line of Mega Man manga, has revealed on his deviantART account that he is “currently working on a new...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

IGN to Capcom: “Leave Mega Man Alone!”

One step forward, two steps back. That has more or less been the sentiment among Mega Man fans this year, as we have seen a good push forward with the launch of Archie’s Mega Man comic book coupled with the cancellation of both Mega Man Universe and Mega Man Legends 3. Like them or not, […]

One step forward, two steps back. That has more or less been the sentiment among Mega Man fans this year, as we have seen a good push forward with the launch of Archie’s Mega Man comic book coupled with the cancellation of both Mega Man Universe and Mega Man...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

An In-Depth Look at Jollibee’s Mega Man Promotion

Jollibee, a chain of fast-food establishments native to the Philippines, is currently holding a Mega Man promotion in its kid’s meals (sharing the spot with Bratz toys for girls) until November 10th. And for the “Mega Man Power Fighters” side (an inspired name, to be sure), there are two toys to collect: figures of the […]

Jollibee, a chain of fast-food establishments native to the Philippines, is currently holding a Mega Man promotion in its kid’s meals (sharing the spot with Bratz toys for girls) until November 10th. And for the “Mega Man Power Fighters” side (an...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

Are You Ready for the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet?

Step aside, Grand Robot Master Remix Battle! There’s a new Mega Man remix competition in town. But this isn’t about lone wolves anymore. This is a game of musical teamwork. The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011 puts a new spin on an old formula. Participants still pick a Robot Master theme (classic series only) to […]

Step aside, Grand Robot Master Remix Battle! There’s a new Mega Man remix competition in town. But this isn’t about lone wolves anymore. This is a game of musical teamwork. The Wily Castle Remix Gauntlet 2011 puts a new spin on an old formula. Participants...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

Hitoshi Ariga Joins deviantART!

Now here’s a little news which should hopefully brighten up some days! Hitoshi Ariga, the writer and artist behind the ever-popular Mega Man Megamix, Mega Man Gigamix, Rockman Remix (with MegaMission), and Rockman 9 manga (among others– Big O, anyone?), has joined the many vast and varied artists who make up the deviantART community! Just […]

Now here’s a little news which should hopefully brighten up some days! Hitoshi Ariga, the writer and artist behind the ever-popular Mega Man Megamix, Mega Man Gigamix, Rockman Remix (with MegaMission), and Rockman 9 manga (among others– Big O, anyone?),...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Wants Mega Man?

The presence of Phoenix Wright as one of the long-awaited additions to Capcom’s fighting game roster has not been one of the company’s better-kept secrets. And yes, you read that correctly: Capcom managed to find a way to include the unincludable, while not having any idea of how to possibly fit Mega Man into a […]

The presence of Phoenix Wright as one of the long-awaited additions to Capcom’s fighting game roster has not been one of the company’s better-kept secrets. And yes, you read that correctly: Capcom managed to find a way to include the unincludable, while...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

Available Now: Archie’s Mega Man, Volume 1: “Let the Games Begin!”

Click to enlarge. Speaking of the first volume of Archie’s Mega Man graphic novels, our friends at Archie have asked us to help spread the word about this recent release, as well as inform you of places you can find them. TMMN Staff

Click to enlarge. Speaking of the first volume of Archie’s Mega Man graphic novels, our friends at Archie have asked us to help spread the word about this recent release, as well as inform you of places you can find them. First up, here is the official...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

What’s Next for Archie’s Mega Man?

Over at IGN, an interview has been posted with Paul Kaminski, Editor of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man comic books. There, he gives a pre-Comic-Con glimpse into what fans might be able to expect from both comic franchises in the future. Among the more interesting (read: Mega Man-related) bits is that the company […]

Over at IGN, an interview has been posted with Paul Kaminski, Editor of Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man comic books. There, he gives a pre-Comic-Con glimpse into what fans might be able to expect from both comic franchises in the future. Among the more...
Mega Man #10 Solicitation and Larger Cover Image

Why Mega Man’s Staples Work

by James “GS Edgeman” Riser Every game has its staples, the constant elements that are carried over from one game to the next. These are the reasons why players will come back to a certain series over and over again. Staples are an odd thing for a game developer to deal with, because it can […]

by James “GS Edgeman” Riser Every game has its staples, the constant elements that are carried over from one game to the next. These are the reasons why players will come back to a certain series over and over again. Staples are an odd thing for a game developer to...