Tag: Mega Man

Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Whew, I’m back from Tokyo. And Wonder Festival was quite the event. One thing for certain – even despite my best efforts I really wasn’t prepared for this. Even though I tried to go early I was still far back out in line, and by the time I got to the Hobby Rock booth they […]

Whew, I’m back from Tokyo. And Wonder Festival was quite the event. One thing for certain – even despite my best efforts I really wasn’t prepared for this. Even though I tried to go early I was still far back out in line, and by the time I got to the...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Ice Man

Following our look at Guts Man’s Stage from the original NES Mega Man game(which is recommended reading if you’re new to what this is all about), we are moving on to Ice Man’s Stage (with his music, if you want the full experience). Most of the ground in this stage has the usual “ice in […]

Following our look at Guts Man’s Stage from the original NES Mega Man game(which is recommended reading if you’re new to what this is all about), we are moving on to Ice Man’s Stage (with his music, if you want the full experience). Most of the...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Vote Dr. Wily in Nintendo Power’s Latest Poll

You know the drill, folks: Nintendo Power magazine has posted their newest online poll, and as ever, Mega Man is being kept in the spotlight by being included among some of the poll options. In fact, there is one question solely dedicated to our hero! Blue Bomber-related questions include “Which antagonist most deserves to be […]

You know the drill, folks: Nintendo Power magazine has posted their newest online poll, and as ever, Mega Man is being kept in the spotlight by being included among some of the poll options. In fact, there is one question solely dedicated to our hero! Blue...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Maverick Hunter X Confirmed as PS Vita Compatible in North America

For those of you looking forward to the PlayStation Vita, SCEA has confirmed which PSP games from the North American PlayStation Store will be compatible at launch. Among them is Maverick Hunter X, the only Mega Man related downloadable PSP release outside of Japan. That doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t be able to play other […]

For those of you looking forward to the PlayStation Vita, SCEA has confirmed which PSP games from the North American PlayStation Store will be compatible at launch. Among them is Maverick Hunter X, the only Mega Man related downloadable PSP release outside of Japan....
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Penciled Page from Archie’s Mega Man #11 Shows a Foe Who Can’t Be Beaten

Once again, our friends at Destructoid have the goods when it comes to Archie’s Mega Man comic book. This time, they have a penciled page from the upcoming issue #11, which shows the Blue Bomber facing off a foe who some would say cannot be beaten. The above panel is but a glimpse; for the […]

Once again, our friends at Destructoid have the goods when it comes to Archie’s Mega Man comic book. This time, they have a penciled page from the upcoming issue #11, which shows the Blue Bomber facing off a foe who some would say cannot be beaten. The above...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

February 2012 Contest – Show Some Love, Win Some Dot.Straps

Given the downs Mega Man has been through in the past year, you may think that Capcom has really wronged you. But can you find it in your heart to forgive them? If you can, you just might win a set of super sweet Rockman Dot.Straps from the volume 2 collection! What, you think we’re […]

Given the downs Mega Man has been through in the past year, you may think that Capcom has really wronged you. But can you find it in your heart to forgive them? If you can, you just might win a set of super sweet Rockman Dot.Straps from the volume 2 collection! What,...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

So Long as People are Already Riled…

…we figured we might as well keep it to today, and go ahead with posting this: To see the rest, visit Dorkly, and maybe we can all at least laugh about this, whether we like the pick or not. TMMN Staff

…we figured we might as well keep it to today, and go ahead with posting this: To see the rest, visit Dorkly, and maybe we can all at least laugh about this, whether we like the pick or not. TMMN...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Destructoid Hosts Exclusive Mega Man #10 Preview

If you’re a subscriber, then you may have already read through the tenth issue of Archie’s Mega Man comic book, which is currently adapting the events of Mega Man 2. Otherwise, you’ll have to get it from your local comic book shop this Wednesday, or, if you don’t have one nearby, at newsstands on the […]

If you’re a subscriber, then you may have already read through the tenth issue of Archie’s Mega Man comic book, which is currently adapting the events of Mega Man 2. Otherwise, you’ll have to get it from your local comic book shop this Wednesday, or,...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Video Game Websites Weigh In on Street Fighter X Tekken’s Mega Man (Updated)

Over the past few days, there has been no shortage of responses to our posts regarding the news about the addition of Mega Man– or “Mega Man,” if you prefer– to the PlayStation 3 and Vita roster for Street Fighter X Tekken Of course, we’re hardly the only ones on the internet to see or […]

Over the past few days, there has been no shortage of responses to our posts regarding the news about the addition of Mega Man– or “Mega Man,” if you prefer– to the PlayStation 3 and Vita roster for Street Fighter X Tekken Of course,...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Ripot’s Round-Up – 1/29/12

Another week, and time for another edition of Ripot’s Round-Up! To start things off, Magnet Man and Shotoman have informed us that Capcom Unity has announced they will be doing a streaming playthrough of each Mega Man game from the Classic series each month throughout 2012. They began Friday with the original Mega Man, and […]

Another week, and time for another edition of Ripot’s Round-Up! To start things off, Magnet Man and Shotoman have informed us that Capcom Unity has announced they will be doing a streaming playthrough of each Mega Man game from the Classic series each month...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Your Thoughts on the Old Man

As you might know, we at TMMN have a little something called The Megacast that we like to put out every month. And we do our best to keep the topics timely and relevant. Well, sometimes things have a way of lining up nicely… On this upcoming episode of the show, we will naturally be […]

As you might know, we at TMMN have a little something called The Megacast that we like to put out every month. And we do our best to keep the topics timely and relevant. Well, sometimes things have a way of lining up nicely… On this upcoming episode of the show,...
Photo Report from Wonder Festival Winter 2012

Street Fighter X Tekken’s Mega Man Planned with Inafune Well Before Everything Went to Hell

Apologies if the title seems a little melodramatic, but it’s the most concise way we could think of to sum up the Mega Man video game front in 2011. You know, following Inafune’s departure, the cancellation of Mega Man Universe, the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3, the character being ditched twice in two consecutive […]

Apologies if the title seems a little melodramatic, but it’s the most concise way we could think of to sum up the Mega Man video game front in 2011. You know, following Inafune’s departure, the cancellation of Mega Man Universe, the cancellation of Mega...