Tag: Mega Man Legends

The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

The image above, featured on Capcom Unity, is described only as a “Sour Servbot.” Nothing more is given regarding what it is, except “We like teasing things here on Unity. Sometimes we’re more obvious about what we’re teasing than others… That said, enjoy!” Any guesses? TMMN Staff

The image above, featured on Capcom Unity, is described only as a “Sour Servbot.” Nothing more is given regarding what it is, except “We like teasing things here on Unity. Sometimes we’re more obvious about what we’re teasing than...
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

Servbot Bobble Budds Coming to Capcom Store

A little while back, Capcom introduced a fun little Mega Man-themed toy: the Servbot Bobble Budd. Unfortunately only 1,000 were made for the Comic Con attendees to pick up. But if you were craving one before and couldn’t get to the venue, worry not, Capcom will be stocking them in their own store in a […]

A little while back, Capcom introduced a fun little Mega Man-themed toy: the Servbot Bobble Budd. Unfortunately only 1,000 were made for the Comic Con attendees to pick up. But if you were craving one before and couldn’t get to the venue, worry not, Capcom will...
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

In Baltimore This Weekend: OtaRockman at Otakon

This weekend in Baltimore, Maryland, from Friday, July 30th to Sunday, August 1st, will be Otakon. And what has become a part of the annual Otakon experience for many a Mega Man/Rockman fan is the gathering of like-minded individuals known affectionately as “OtaRockman.” Each year, a fans tend to converge for cosplay photos and Mega […]

This weekend in Baltimore, Maryland, from Friday, July 30th to Sunday, August 1st, will be Otakon. And what has become a part of the annual Otakon experience for many a Mega Man/Rockman fan is the gathering of like-minded individuals known affectionately as...
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

Inafune Grateful for Fans, Fears Comic-Con

It sounds like Comic-Con has been pretty overwhelming for Keiji Inafune, at least according to his own blog.* At yesterday’s “Capcom 2010 and Beyond” discussion panel, the hall, which can house up to 2500 people, was fully packed. Inafune was astonished by the strong showing of Capcom fans support, which he again notes he doesn’t […]

It sounds like Comic-Con has been pretty overwhelming for Keiji Inafune, at least according to his own blog.* At yesterday’s “Capcom 2010 and Beyond” discussion panel, the hall, which can house up to 2500 people, was fully packed. Inafune was...
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

Mega Man Inadvertently Revealed in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3?

I’ve got no leaked footage to confirm anything on this. No anonymous tipsters, no website code hacking. What I do have is Capcom’s Niitsuma-san, the producer of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. Over at Capcom Unity, you can check out a recording of yesterday’s MVC3 livestream, which includes an interview with Niitsuma starting around the 8 […]

I’ve got no leaked footage to confirm anything on this. No anonymous tipsters, no website code hacking. What I do have is Capcom’s Niitsuma-san, the producer of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. Over at Capcom Unity, you can check out a recording of yesterday’s...
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

Mega Swag for Mega Fans at San Diego Comic-Con

At long last, San Diego Comic Con will finally take place this week. And if you are fortunate enough to be attending, then you’ll be happy to know that Capcom has apparently put together a fine arrangement of freebies and buyables for fans of the Blue Bomber. Protodude has managed to round up all the […]

At long last, San Diego Comic Con will finally take place this week. And if you are fortunate enough to be attending, then you’ll be happy to know that Capcom has apparently put together a fine arrangement of freebies and buyables for fans of the Blue Bomber....
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

Get Ready for UDON’s Art of Capcom 2

If you’re a fan of Mega Man and the artistic stylings of UDON Entertainment, then you’re in luck. Debuting at this month’s San Diego Comic Con will be the 280-page follow-up to the company’s Art of Capcom book, appropriately titled UDON’s Art of Capcom 2. Within its pages, you’ll find the past three years’ worth […]

If you’re a fan of Mega Man and the artistic stylings of UDON Entertainment, then you’re in luck. Debuting at this month’s San Diego Comic Con will be the 280-page follow-up to the company’s Art of Capcom book, appropriately titled UDON’s...
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

Wonderfest Gives Rise to Custom Legends Figures

Yet more good news for you Rockman figure fanatics. Online figure blog/buyer deputy Tokyo Hunter has some neat custom Rockman DASH (Mega Man Legends) figures created by doujin figure circle Sorairo. There are two sets, one with MegaMan Volnutt and Data, and the other with Tron Bonne and a Servbot. The Volnutt and Servbot figures […]

Yet more good news for you Rockman figure fanatics. Online figure blog/buyer deputy Tokyo Hunter has some neat custom Rockman DASH (Mega Man Legends) figures created by doujin figure circle Sorairo. There are two sets, one with MegaMan Volnutt and Data, and the other...
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

Canon, Continuity, and the Mega Man Franchise

1. can·on – a basis for judgment; a standard or criterion 2. con·ti·nu·i·ty – an uninterrupted connection, succession, or union A canon, in terms of a fictional universe, is a body of material that is considered to be “genuine” or “official.” The use of the word “canon” in reference to a set of texts derives […]

1. can·on – a basis for judgment; a standard or criterion 2. con·ti·nu·i·ty – an uninterrupted connection, succession, or union A canon, in terms of a fictional universe, is a body of material that is considered to be “genuine” or...
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

Recipe for One Servbot Takeover: Print, Fold, Repeat

In action figure collecting, there are some figures and packages which are released of “characters” (and I use the term loosely) who are relatively generic, thus allowing consumers to buy multiples of the same figure in order to flesh out large platoons. These are known as “army builders,” and can yield some rather impressive displays. […]

In action figure collecting, there are some figures and packages which are released of “characters” (and I use the term loosely) who are relatively generic, thus allowing consumers to buy multiples of the same figure in order to flesh out large platoons....
The Mystery of the Sour Servbot

Marvel vs. Capcom vs… Servbots?

The new issue of Game Informer is out, and it has a feature on the upcoming, long-awaited sequel of sequels, Marvel vs. Capcom 3. And in addition to revealing some fresh new faces to the cast, including Devil May Cry‘s Dante, Darkstalkers‘ Felicia, Captain America, and the Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool (who will apparently […]

The new issue of Game Informer is out, and it has a feature on the upcoming, long-awaited sequel of sequels, Marvel vs. Capcom 3. And in addition to revealing some fresh new faces to the cast, including Devil May Cry’s Dante, Darkstalkers’ Felicia, Captain...