Tag: Mega Man 2

Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

Hot on the heels of a 1.0 rating from IGN and criticism from fans, Capcom has published a much needed updated for the iPhone version of Mega Man 2.  According to Capcom Unity’s Snow Infernus, the game sports new on-screen controls and a few other additions. Source: Capcom Unity LanceHeartlocalhost/tmmn

Hot on the heels of a 1.0 rating from IGN and criticism from fans, Capcom has published a much needed updated for the iPhone version of Mega Man 2.  According to Capcom Unity’s Snow Infernus, the game sports new on-screen controls and a few other additions....
Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

Very Odd French Mega Man 2 Ad

Forum member Enker PMed me yesterday afternoon with a very cool, but weird MM2 video. More after the jump. TMMN Staff

Forum member Enker PMed me yesterday afternoon with a very cool, but weird MM2 video. More after the jump. It was actually a commercial for the French release of Mega Man 2. He was nice enough to upload it to his Youtube account, so check it out: Translation: Mario:...
Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

Get equipped with laser eyes

Maybe Mega Man 2 is too hard for you. Maybe you can’t get past Quick Man’s laser beams, or Heat Man’s lava pits, or you just can’t beat Air Man. If that’s the case, this hack may be for you. The Nintendo emulator FCEUX has a special scripting plugin called Lua, which allows for object […]

Maybe Mega Man 2 is too hard for you. Maybe you can’t get past Quick Man’s laser beams, or Heat Man’s lava pits, or you just can’t beat Air Man. If that’s the case, this hack may be for you. The Nintendo emulator FCEUX has a special...
Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

ScrewAttack.com Promotes SGC, Mega Man 2 Style

ScrewAttack.com has released the latest trailer for their upcoming ScrewAttack Gaming Convention, and in order to do so and introduce one of their special guests, they took a few cues from the NES classic, Mega Man 2: Seems like a good fit to me. Well, sort of; I don’t think Wily’s quite as crazy. Source: […]

ScrewAttack.com has released the latest trailer for their upcoming ScrewAttack Gaming Convention, and in order to do so and introduce one of their special guests, they took a few cues from the NES classic, Mega Man 2: Seems like a good fit to me. Well, sort of; I...
Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

i + Mega Man 2 = Mega Man 2 on iPhone

If you’re one of those people who just needs to have Mega Man games on every electronic device possible, and you have an iPhone or an iPod Touch, Mega Man 2 is now available for your downloading pleasure. Five dollars grants you the full game with touch screen controls, which I imagine is a little […]

If you’re one of those people who just needs to have Mega Man games on every electronic device possible, and you have an iPhone or an iPod Touch, Mega Man 2 is now available for your downloading pleasure. Five dollars grants you the full game with touch screen...
Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

Mega Man 2 in 3D

…kind of. We’ve heard some say that “Mega Man Classic couldn’t work in 3D,” but apparently one avid fan from Sweden, Peter Sjostrand, has found a way to make it work. Titled Mega Man 2.5D, this video shows a single player demo of a 2D Mega Man going through a world with some interesting 3D […]

…kind of. We’ve heard some say that “Mega Man Classic couldn’t work in 3D,” but apparently one avid fan from Sweden, Peter Sjostrand, has found a way to make it work. Titled Mega Man 2.5D, this video shows a single player demo of a 2D...
Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

When is a Commercial Not a Commercial?

Possibly when Germany has an ad for Mega Man 4. The only problem here (besides the odd robot interstitials) is that the footage is mostly from Mega Man 2: Oh well. It still beats the “he’s called the Blue Bomber because he’s BLUE” spots. News Credit: Protodude’s Rockman Corner TMMN Staff

Possibly when Germany has an ad for Mega Man 4. The only problem here (besides the odd robot interstitials) is that the footage is mostly from Mega Man 2: Oh well. It still beats the “he’s called the Blue Bomber because he’s BLUE” spots. News...
Mega Man 2 iPhone Updated

Where are the Mega Man 2 Bosses Now?

As is the trend these days, The Minus World has opted to take a look back and see what happened to those unsung celebrities of the 80s: Namely, video game stars. In this particular instance, they’ve opted to find out whatever happened to the cast of Robot Masters which helped raise Mega Man’s star to […]

As is the trend these days, The Minus World has opted to take a look back and see what happened to those unsung celebrities of the 80s: Namely, video game stars. In this particular instance, they’ve opted to find out whatever happened to the cast of Robot...