Tag: Game Boy

Resurrecting Mega Man Mania: A “Pitch” Concerning the Values of Mega Man

Resurrecting Mega Man Mania: A “Pitch” Concerning the Values of Mega Man

I consider it to be a great shame that we never ended up getting Mega Man Mania. And although the Mega Man Anniversary Collection had its flaws, it still showed the bevvy of interest remaining in classic Mega Man, even though it would still be years before we got legitimate advancement in the series. While […]

I consider it to be a great shame that we never ended up getting Mega Man Mania. And although the Mega Man Anniversary Collection had its flaws, it still showed the bevvy of interest remaining in classic Mega Man, even though it would still be years before we got...
Resurrecting Mega Man Mania: A “Pitch” Concerning the Values of Mega Man

Who are the Mega Man Killers?

“Who are the Mega Man Killers?” That is a question that no doubt some people are asking upon seeing the bosses for the three downloadable (semantics aside) Special Stages Capcom is releasing across all platforms for Mega Man 10. Odds are, as a fan, you might know who they are in passing; you’ve seen people […]

“Who are the Mega Man Killers?” That is a question that no doubt some people are asking upon seeing the bosses for the three downloadable (semantics aside) Special Stages Capcom is releasing across all platforms for Mega Man 10. Odds are, as a fan, you...
Resurrecting Mega Man Mania: A “Pitch” Concerning the Values of Mega Man

Is it Time for the “ReBirth” of Mega Man?

As many of you are no doubt already aware, it seems that one of Konami’s worst-kept secrets of late is their plan to bring a new Castlevania title to WiiWare. The ESRB posted the info before Konami was able to make an announcement (and, as of this writing, they have still yet to say anything), […]

As many of you are no doubt already aware, it seems that one of Konami’s worst-kept secrets of late is their plan to bring a new Castlevania title to WiiWare. The ESRB posted the info before Konami was able to make an announcement (and, as of this writing, they...
Resurrecting Mega Man Mania: A “Pitch” Concerning the Values of Mega Man

Happy 20th anniversary, Game Boy!

Sure this really has nothing to do with Mega Man, but the Game Boy is a legendary handheld gaming system, and Mega Man V for Game Boy is probably one of my favorite Mega Man times of all time. To be honest, with all the 20th and even 25th anniversaries that have been going on […]

Sure this really has nothing to do with Mega Man, but the Game Boy is a legendary handheld gaming system, and Mega Man V for Game Boy is probably one of my favorite Mega Man times of all time. To be honest, with all the 20th and even 25th anniversaries that have been...