Tag: Comic

The Blue Ink Reviews Mega Man #47 – Castle of Decapitations

The Blue Ink Reviews Mega Man #47 – Castle of Decapitations

It’s one of those days for Mega Man. Your home’s been torn to pieces, your former arch-nemesis-turned-good-guy has revealed that he’s still a jerk, your brother tried to kill you over reasons, and… oh yes, nearly forgot: You’ve got a big hulking yellow thing you barely killed once breathing down your neck in the darkness. Just one of those days.

It’s one of those days for Mega Man. Your home’s been torn to pieces, your former arch-nemesis-turned-good-guy has revealed that he’s still a jerk, your brother tried to kill you over reasons, and… oh yes, nearly forgot: You’ve got a big hulking yellow thing you barely killed once breathing down your neck in the darkness. Just one of those days.

Preview Pages for Mega Man #47: The Ultimate Betrayal Part 3

Preview Pages for Mega Man #47: The Ultimate Betrayal Part 3

The third part of Archie’s Mega Man 3 adaptation story arc, “The Ultimate Betrayal,” will arrive in comic book shops tomorrow. However, we have a five page preview for you right here and right now!

The third part of Archie’s Mega Man 3 adaptation story arc, “The Ultimate Betrayal,” will arrive in comic book shops tomorrow. However, we have a five page preview for you right here and right now!

Ian Flynn Answers Mega Fans’ Mega Questions

Ian Flynn Answers Mega Fans’ Mega Questions

Over on the website of Archie’s Mega Man writer, Bumbleking.com, Ian Flynn recently took the time to answer some questions submitted by fans regarding Archie, Sonic the Hedgehog, Power Rangers, The Legend of Zelda, his approaches to writing, Canada, and much more… including, of course, the Blue Bomber himself.

Over on the website of Archie’s Mega Man writer, Bumbleking.com, Ian Flynn recently took the time to answer some questions submitted by fans regarding Archie, Sonic the Hedgehog, Power Rangers, The Legend of Zelda, his approaches to writing, Canada, and much more… including, of course, the Blue Bomber himself.

Original Cover Art for Mega Man #47 Up for Auction

Original Cover Art for Mega Man #47 Up for Auction

Tristan “T-Rex” Jones has announced that he is running an auction on eBay for the original art used in creating the cover of Mega Man #47, “The Ultimate Betrayal” part 3.

Tristan “T-Rex” Jones has announced that he is running an auction on eBay for the original art used in creating the cover of Mega Man #47, “The Ultimate Betrayal” part 3.

The Blue Ink Editorials: Lands of Confusion

The Blue Ink Editorials: Lands of Confusion

When I first heard that Archie was planning a followup to the Worlds Collide arc which would be entitled Worlds Unite, my first thought was, Oh, goody. Another way for them to up their subscriptions for a short period of time. Admittedly, this was a particularly cynical thought on a particularly cynical day, but the more I think about it… the more I feel like my first snap judgment was the right one.

When I first heard that Archie was planning a followup to the Worlds Collide arc which would be entitled Worlds Unite, my first thought was, Oh, goody. Another way for them to up their subscriptions for a short period of time. Admittedly, this was a particularly cynical thought on a particularly cynical day, but the more I think about it… the more I feel like my first snap judgment was the right one.