Random “MegaRan” Interview (MMN) – 12/08/07

Random is a teacher by day, emcee by night. He’s dropped a collection of Mega Man beats and melodies set to rhyme aptly called MegaRan. Our very own Goten X got a chance to talk to him via AOL Instant Messenger in early December about the release, his influences, times growing up, future music endeavors, and more.

TMMN: Alright, then. First I’d like to welcome you on behalf of The Mega Man Network!

TMMN: I’d first like to ask you what got you into music?

Random: I remember it clearly, it was the summer of 1993. Myself and a few buddies were on the steps, and we decided we’d write a rap for the fun of it. mine sucked. 🙂

Random: but before that, I’d been into music for as long as I can remember. my mom would always have the oldies blasting. I loved Marvin Gaye.

TMMN: Marvin Gaye… good stuff, good stuff. That’s pretty cool, actually.

Random: yeah. he kinda taught me that music was more about emotion than anything. You could literally feel his words.

TMMN: Oh, wow. Deep words, and I can agree with that.

TMMN: Can you recall your first memories of Mega Man?

Random: yes I can. I had a subscription to Nintendo Power, as most kids my age did. and I remember the 2nd or 3rd issue had a big spread on Mega Man 2.

Random: I hadn’t played MM1 yet at that time, so the spread had me so interested, I begged my mom to get me MM1 so that I could be up on the story by the time MM2 came out.

TMMN: Haha.

Random: I almost didnt think it was the same game when I saw the silly box art on Mega Man 1. 🙂

Random: why the heck was it an old guy, holding a gun?

TMMN: Ahahaha, so true. I actually thought it was fake, or a joke when I first saw it. It kinda shows how much Capcom of America cared about Mega Man at the time, though.

Random: absolutely.

Random: ..but who couldve known a little blue guy would have so much impact?

TMMN: 20 years… yeah. It’s amazing he’s lasted this far. Our Blue Bomber is finally not a teen anymore, so I guess he has something to cheer about this year

Random: yeah, one more year and he can have a Mega-Brew 🙂

TMMN: Heh, we’ll all be ready to get Mega Man a drink next year!

TMMN: Now that we know how you got into music and Mega Man, I’d like to ask this: What gave you the idea to fuse the two to make some sweet music?

Random: Yeah. it’s really amazing when i sit back and think about the fact that I’ve played this game my whole life, then years later I have the chance to hang out with the folks who work for the company…it’s amazing.

TMMN: And successfully, I might add. 😛

Random: well, I really don’t know!

TMMN: Hahaha.

Random: i mean, i came across a website (ironically the one that you guys fused with) and they had all of the MM video game themes. i listened, and listened, and listened.

TMMN: Ah, Atomic Fire. Good times…

Random: and as a traveled down memory lane, I thought; it’d be pretty darn cool to make a rap song with these tunes!

Random: then i couldnt think of which one to use, but I knew the first would be from MM2, since that’s what started it all for me….finally decided on WoodMan.

Random’: so, “Grow Up” was done, and I liked it… then I heard more tunes I wanted to use…so the idea of “Mega Ran” was born.

TMMN: Wow.

Random: then i realized that it was the 20th anniversary, so i figured, what better b-day gift than a tribute album!

Random: ..I can only hope that when I’m 20, someone will do one for me 🙂

TMMN: That’s really awesome. I admit, it’s a different approach to the regular techno or rock mixes of Mega’s songs. Having words set to his music gives a whole new insight to the little blue man: through your eyes.

Random: right. when i decided to do this, i researched all of the other projects out there, and knew this one had to be different… no one else had combined Hip Hop and Mega Man 🙂

TMMN: And it worked so well. Nothing but props to you for this, as a musician and as a fan of Mega Man as well.

Random: thanks so much man.

Random: I knew above all else, I couldn’t let the fans of the games down. Hip-Hop fans are fickle; I’m not sure if they know what they want to hear 🙂

TMMN: Hahaha, definitely.

TMMN: A few more questions, and we’ll be wrapping this up.

TMMN: Do you have any projects lined up in the future, be it similar or something else completely?

Random: well, the next project will be a little different, but there will still be elements of the “Mega Ran” formula; fun, nerdy topics and cool beats.

TMMN: Sounds like something to watch out for.

Random: The next album is an EP called “Patches and Glue,” that’ll be out in January or February.

Random: After that I have plans for another videogame project…top secret for the time being 🙂

Random: Then after THAT is a project that my DJ and I are working on, called the House Project…he does the beats, I do the rhymes, and another good friend of mine, Grieg Schrock, will do the guitar licks… we’re about half done that, so be on the lookout. I’m always trying to expand the sound and try new things… so the Random Techno album could be soon to come 🙂

TMMN: Sounds interesting. Can’t wait for it.

Random: also, be on the lookout for a SPECIAL BONUS Mega Ran cut on the “Patches and Glue” album, we’re still working on it, but it’ll be special for sure.

TMMN: Mega Man just keeps the the ideas coming and coming… just like his games, hehe.

TMMN: Now, I don’t want to leave our fans without some way to contact you or keep up with your music. Do you have any links that we can use to keep up with your music and whatnot?

Random: of course! well you can hear (and purchase) the Mega Ran CD here: CD Baby and you can hear some tunes at my Myspace.

Random: and you can get FREE exclusive treats if you join the Mega Ran Yahoo! Group.

‘Random: right now in the group is a free download of my new single “Twice Over” and “The Lost Mega Ran Beats.”

TMMN: Nice!

TMMN: We LOVE free stuff.

Random: me too! this project would’ve never happen if not for Atomic Fire’s freebies 🙂 so thank you guys! Random: whoops: happen(ed) 🙂

TMMN: Haha, yeah. Maybe with the growing music releases for the 7 MM series out will inspire even more to be creative with music and Mega Man combined.

Random: absolutely.

TMMN: Any last words before closing out?

Random: umm… just thank yous to everyone listening and reading! please check me out… send me a message, even if it’s to say that I suck 🙂 and keep on climbing. ’cause if you’re not making moves, then you’re standing still. That’s about it. Thanks so much to the Mega Man Network for this interview!

TMMN: Thank YOU for the awesome interview, and nothing but good luck to you from The Mega Man Network!

‘Random: you got it 🙂