Site Developments

Musical Updates for a Lazy Sunday
Mar 28, 2010 | Site Developments
Well then, been a while since we did one of these. Our music archive has seen the addition of some new material thanks to Splashman's efforts, albeit it's mostly just clean up stuff. Still, some decent and interesting tracks to be had! Here's what today's update...

Zero Contest Note
Feb 13, 2010 | Site Developments
Just wanted to post a quick update for those of you wondering about the results of the "What Am I Fighting For?!" contest: we haven't forgotten about it, but some things of a personal nature have recently come up, which has derailed the timeline a little bit. We'll...

Hear Heat Man Talk Mega Man 10 (And More)
Jan 26, 2010 | Site Developments
I've come to the conclusion that Heat Man has an elaborate plan to make me look like a pushy jerk-face by forcing me (at Atomic Fire-point) to plug 2 days in a row. This time, Heat Man joins me and a few others on our weekly videogame podcast. Mega Man...

Interviews Section Transferred; Plus: Your Help Wanted
Jan 24, 2010 | Site Developments
Just a quick little site update today. We've finally filled out our Interviews section here on the site, which includes original MMN pieces with Capcom's Rey Jimenez, the rapper Random (aka MegaRan), and artist Patrick Spaziante. In addition, we are seeking to archive...

Reminder: The “What am I Fighting For?!” Contest Nears Its Close, With Slight Extension
Jan 10, 2010 | Community Developments, Contests, Site Developments
Okay, folks, we're down to our final week of The Mega Man Network's “What am I Fighting For?!” Contest. We last extended the contest deadline to January 15th, so that people would have the Christmas/New Year holidays to work on their entry, plus a little more time. In...

“What Am I Fighting For?!” Update
Nov 29, 2009 | Community Developments, Contests, Site Developments
Just a quick note, a reminder of sorts to those who kept up with our last post about the contest: we have decided to extend the contest deadline indefinitely to allow for more people to enter and have time to work on and polish up their entries. I have not heard back...

Announcing a TMMN music project: BN Remix!
Nov 12, 2009 | Community Developments, Site Developments
We've had this in the planning stages for a couple of months now, but we can finally let the cat out of the bag. In honor of Operate Shooting Star, some of us at TMMN are putting together a special arranged album of the original MegaMan Battle Network called BN Remix,...

Introducing Our Brand New Community Forum!
Nov 6, 2009 | Site Developments
Nearly a year ago, we began making efforts to revamp The Mega Man Network, making it a richer and more user friendly site. We are still continuing with these efforts, which honestly goes to show how lazy we are. But progress is progress. Today is perhaps a small...

The MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Wraps Up
Aug 30, 2009 | Site Developments
Well, friends: it's been a long and frosty month of August this year, as we've taken great pains to try to appeal to the one continent on Earth who seemed to have absolutely no presence on ClustrMaps, Antarctica. So, did it work? Well, in hindsight, it would probably...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Part 8 – Mega Man X3 Blizzard Buffalo
Aug 27, 2009 | Site Developments
Today, we take a look at the eighth part of the MMN Antarctic Megapaluza, as Ryudo races to conquer the frostiest fiend of Dr. Doppler's army, Blizzard Buffalo. With no Heart Tanks or Subtanks for X, he faces off against numerous vicious Mechaniloids as he makes his...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Special 7 – Mega Man X Chill Penguin
Aug 23, 2009 | Site Developments
The month of August may be drawing to a close, but our goal to reach out to the denizens of Antarctica will not cease now! Curious as to how our specials have been recieved among those in the far South Pole, LBD Nytetrayn personally has gone down to gauge the...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Special 6 – Mega Man and Bass Cold Man
Aug 19, 2009 | Site Developments
Is it cold in here, or is it just me? The answer? Neither; it's that repurposed refrigerator, Cold Man, up to his icy tricks. Fortunately, we have our resident game master, Ryudo, here to put him in his place. And to do so, he's partnering up with the Blue Bomber once...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Special 5 – Mega Man 7: Freeze Man
Aug 16, 2009 | Site Developments
Hello, Antarctica! And you folks in Greenland, too! The next part of our shout-out to all of the Mega Man fans in some of the world's colder regions continues today with a look at the chilly boss from the Classic series' only Super NES installment, Mega Man 7. Ryudo...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Special 4 – Mega Man 6: Blizzard Man
Aug 13, 2009 | Site Developments
The Megapaluza continues for our visitors (or those we hope to be visitors) from down at the South Pole! This time out, we're back to the authentic, legit, 100 percent Capcom-approved official software for our videos, and this time Ryudo is bringing the pain to...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Special 3 – Rockman 5 Wily’s Dream Space Crystal Man
Aug 9, 2009 | Site Developments
Continuing our quest to show the seventh of Earth's continents that The Mega Man Network is here for them and the place to be, we present our next video from Ryudo. As before, this one features a ROM hack, though he promises this will be the last one during the...

August’s Featured Articles: Cold Characters!
Aug 6, 2009 | Site Developments
Continuing with our chilly theme this month, we have updated the Mega Man Universe wiki's main page to display featured articles. And right now, the featured articles are in tune with our theme: cold characters! Hop on over there, and you'll discover a random featured...

MMN Antarctic Megapaluza Special 2 – Rockman No Constancy Woodman
Aug 5, 2009 | Site Developments
Following our post from a few days ago, we have another video continuing the theme, but it's not what you might have expected. For the second video, Ryudo has taken on the fan-created hack of Mega Man 2 known as Rockman no Constancy, which features a Wood Man stage...

The MMN Antarctic Megapaluza
Aug 1, 2009 | Site Developments
At The Mega Man Network, we like to think that we're doing an okay job of delivering various Mega Man news, information, and media to the world. But, if you were to look at our Clustrmap on the right-hand side of the page, you'll notice that we seem to be bringing in...

Star Force 3 Contest Results
Jul 7, 2009 | Contests, Site Developments
So, the contest is over and finally judged. I'd like to thank everyone who entered! The turn out was outstanding. We had 34 entries, and everyone's entry was awesome. 3rd place went to Sarah Wu. 2nd place went to Reka. And 1st place went to JETZERO! (Who, you can also...

Wiki Registration Temporarily Closed
Jun 30, 2009 | Site Developments
Sorry, folks. Due to some people thinking that our wiki, The Mega Man Universe is the place to peddle viagra, cialis, levitra, and other stuff that sounds like it belongs in the back of a Dungeons & Dragons magic user's guide, we are temporarily shutting down...
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Or, "Nobody ever forgets their first (unicorn)."