Site Developments

A Quick Update from MMN HQ
May 11, 2012 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Just a quick, personal site note for you frequent MMN readers out there. I'm heading out of town next week to visit some friends and family; with any luck, I'll be able to continue my updates while I'm away from home, save for when we're traveling on the road. Of...

Some TMMN Contest Results, Finally!
May 5, 2012 | Site Developments
Alrighty folks, I'm using the last of my Golden Week break to finally wrap up a couple of contests (though one has technically been wrapped up a little while now). I do apologize for the amount of time it's taken; same excuses, just been busy and forgetful for a large...

Have a Happy Greg Day! Err, a what?
Apr 23, 2012 | Site Developments
See the man pictured to the right? This is Capcom Unity's Greg Moore, from when he originally took up his position as community liaison for the Mega Man Legends 3 Project. It was constant work, going through, organizing and translating fan submissions and comments,...

Do You Want a Critical Look at Mega Man 2 Stages?
Apr 16, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Site Developments
Yesterday saw the final installment of our "Critical Look at Mega Man Stages" series, a group of articles from Glass Knuckle we had hoped might inspire some discussion among The Mega Man Network's readers, to say nothing of giving us a steady stream of regular weekly...

About Submitting News Tips (Again)
Apr 11, 2012 | Community Developments, Site Developments
So, remember what we said the other day about having to mail us your tips, etc.? Yeah, never mind that. The form seems to be working again, and it even dumped all (we think) of the old tips we didn't receive right in our Inbox. Huzzah! So, right then. Back to business...

No Foolin’
Apr 1, 2012 | Community Developments, Site Developments
We just wanted to make a post to let you all know that this year, we aren't making with the April Fool's jokes. Don't get us wrong, though, as we had ideas. Oh, did we ever have ideas. But based on reactions in the past and taking into account what the past year has...

Another Contest Reminder, and Some Thoughts
Mar 29, 2012 | Site Developments
So once again, I really dropped the ball on a contest. Specifically our SFxT Roll artwork contest. The deadline is a couple of days, but to be honest I don't think we've received a single entry. This time I apparently forget to even list the contest among our others....

Rockman EXE Phantom of Network: Initial Coverage and Goodies
Mar 21, 2012 | Articles, Featured, Site Developments
One year ago today, Mega Man Battle Network celebrated its tenth anniversary. I guess that makes it a "grown up" series, so to speak; many of players who became fans at the start are beginning to enter adulthood today! (To say nothing of those who practically were...

March 2012 Contest – Roll! Roll! Roll!?
Mar 9, 2012 | Site Developments
First of all, I do apologize about the delay in the judging of the February contest. It should be taken care of this weekend, I hope! But nevertheless, March is here, the weather's warming up, so let's get a new chance to win rolling! And suitably, that would be with...

Contest Update and Reminder
Mar 2, 2012 | Site Developments
Because I kind of let the ball drop on this one, I'm extending the deadline of our tongue-in-cheek apology letter contest until Monday night, March 5th. It's not much but hopefully the extra time will afford some late comers, especially since between being busy and...

The TMMN Megacast #17 – The Bad Box Art GigaCast
Feb 20, 2012 | Site Developments
Hey, everybody! It's the January MegaCa-Oh, who am I kidding? It's February. I know it. You know it. It's time to just accept it. But despite its belated release, we have a great show for you this month. The classic crew is finally back together including myself (Main...

February 2012 Contest – Show Some Love, Win Some Dot.Straps
Feb 8, 2012 | Site Developments
Given the downs Mega Man has been through in the past year, you may think that Capcom has really wronged you. But can you find it in your heart to forgive them? If you can, you just might win a set of super sweet Rockman Dot.Straps from the volume 2 collection! What,...

Your Thoughts on the Old Man
Jan 27, 2012 | Site Developments
As you might know, we at TMMN have a little something called The Megacast that we like to put out every month. And we do our best to keep the topics timely and relevant. Well, sometimes things have a way of lining up nicely... On this upcoming episode of the show, we...

Starting TMMN’s Year of Contests! Win a D-Arts X Comic Ver!
Jan 16, 2012 | Site Developments
Well folks, are you ready for some 2012 festivities? Let's kick it off, it's time for a new contest! Our latest offering is the already super-rare D-Arts Rockman X "Comic Ver." figure! This figure was sold in limited numbers at the Tamashii Nations 2011 event int...

The TMMN Megacast #16 – What is Robot DNA?
Jan 5, 2012 | Site Developments
It's a new year and while 2011 hasn't been the brightest year for the blue bomber (and could arguably be the worst yet), Heat Man, Tabby, returning guest Ash Paulsen, and I (Main Finger) try to leave you with a positive hope for the future. But before that, we take a...

Script Translation for Chapter 5 of Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands Now Available
Jan 4, 2012 | Community Developments, Site Developments
It's been a long road, but here we are: the fifth and final chapter of the Japanese cellphone-exclusive game, Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands, is finally translated and awaiting your perusal. Join MegaMan Volnutt and Roll Caskett as they set sail in...

Have a Happy New Year from The Mega Man Network!
Jan 1, 2012 | Community Developments, Site Developments
As 2012 begins, we hope everyone has had a good holiday break! It's just reached midnight here on the East Coast as we reflect on the year that was, and ponder what is to come in the year ahead. To mark the occasion, Tabby has whipped up a little something for...

The TMMN Megacast #15 – Capcom vs. Capcom
Dec 7, 2011 | Site Developments
Two is better than one. That's just science! So we're giving you a show with double the hosts and double the guests. While Heat Man and myself (Main Finger) fight for ultimate podcast host supremacy, returning guest Greg Moore and newcomer (both to the show and the...

Script Translation for Chapter 4 of Rockman DASH: Great Adventure on the Five Islands Now Available
Dec 2, 2011 | Community Developments, Site Developments
It's here! Heat Man's script translation for the fourth and penultimate chapter of the Japanese-exclusive Rockman DASH story Great Adventure on the Five Islands is now available for your reading enjoyment. Join MegaMan and Roll as they land on a volcanic island...

The TMMN Megacast #14 – To Be a Mega Master
Nov 7, 2011 | Site Developments
Don't look now, but it's totally still October, guys. No, really! I mean, why else would there be an October edition of the MegaCast today? Certainly not because we're late. I would never let that happen! This month (by which I mean October), we have special guest...
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Or, "Nobody ever forgets their first (unicorn)."