Mighty No- 9

A Conversation with Keiji Inafune

A Conversation with Keiji Inafune

Recently, the Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter page posted an interview with Keiji Inafune and 2 Player Productions
covering topics related to the campaign and the game in general. This
interview took place a month before the Kickstarter went live, so it
will be interesting to see what his thoughts were before seeing the fan

For those of you
who do not have time to watch the video, we have transcribed the
interview below. However, we do encourage you to watch the original
video. It’s much more interesting when you see the expression on
Inafune’s face, and the tone of his voice. It really gives you a
different experience that text alone can’t supply.

Mighty No. 9-Bit?

Mighty No. 9-Bit?

Okay, so 9-Bit isn’t really a thing… yet. Truth be told, we aren’t really sure what Comcept had in mind when they announced
the stretch goal for an optional “retro-style chiptune soundtrack” and
accompanying effects, whether it be 8-bit, 16-bit, or something else,
but it looks like we’ll get to find out!


The Blue Ink Editorials: Being Mighty in a World Waking Up

The Blue Ink Editorials: Being Mighty in a World Waking Up

Greetings, readers of The Blue Ink!

Ordinarily, this series is a
means for me to review and espouse at length about the thematics and
novelties within the Archie Mega Man comic book, but I thought I might
take a moment to reflect on something we’ve all been thinking about
since Labor Day: Mighty No. 9.


Mighty No. 3, Assemble!

Mighty No. 3, Assemble!

Our friends at Comcept and 8-4 have cooked up a little something
interesting to get the community to come together over the weekend. On
Monday, they intend to reveal the third of the Mighty Numbers over on
their Kickstarter page, but with a little extra help from the Get Me Off the Moon Facebook group, you can all discover this third master of robotic mayhem a couple of days early!

Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter Stretch Goal Update: Consoles Being Prioritized

The Dream is Real: Mighty No. 9 is Funded (Update)

Keiji Inafune came to PAX and presented a request to fans: to help support his new game that would carry on the spirit of Mega Man. And the fans responded. With over 15,000 backers, and in just over 39 hours, Comcept's Kickstarter campaign for Mighty No. 9 is...