Fan Community

Mega Man Legends Played for Charity
Mar 19, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Starting around noon Eastern Standard Time, the site People's Republic of Rockman DASH will be putting on a live stream of playing through the Mega Man Legend series, as well as some purported surprises. Dubbed "Endless Water," the goal of the play-through is to raise...

Hitoshi Ariga and More Respond to Earthquake
Mar 15, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Earlier the other day, Hitoshi Ariga updated his blog with the sentiment that in times of great crisis, such as Japan faced last week, everybody is capable of being a hero. Ariga himself was moved with a letter, which he later posted, from a child who gave him thanks,...

Kotobukiya Rockman Kicks Butt
Mar 4, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Here is an incredible stop motion animation by Counter656 Productions featuring Kotobukiya's Rockman model kit. I don't know what's going on when Rockman finds himself battling against Gundams and Transformers, but it's pretty dang cool. And the action runs over a...

The Counter Balance to the Roll Mug
Feb 12, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
No, unfortunately this fantastic parody is not real. It's just fan art by one Sohta. But still, maybe it'll help cool you guys off from the whole Roll effect. Seriously, some of you are making me feel kind of ecchi... err, edgy. Thanks for taking up my time to show me...

ScrewAttack’s Top 10 Fave Robot Masters
Feb 9, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Video Games | ScrewAttack | Top 10: Mega Man Robot Masters Here's a video of ScrewAttack doing what it is they do best: taking a certain criteria of data and arranging it in numerical order from 10 to 1. So enjoy the video, and then complain in the comments how they...

A Parade of More Wonder Fest Garage Kits
Feb 7, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
In my opinion, Yama Tai Koku's Leviathan would have been Best In Show at the Winter 2011 Wonder Festival, but then it's not like I even went. But it was far from the only Rockman themed garage kit...

Leviathan Garage Kit Revisited
Feb 4, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Just giving an update from our previous post to show off the finished sample of Yama Tai Koku's finished Leviathan garage kit, and boy, this is a thing of beauty. The full list of features include being completely poseable, having four face plates with different...

Mega Man Drawn in 60 Seconds
Feb 2, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Last week I tweeted about a little challenge on 4 color rebellion. Following a trial of having people draw Sonic the Hedgehog blindly, Josh put out call for people to try drawing Mega Man in 60 seconds. Did any of you rise to the challenge? At any rate, here are some...

Mega Man 2 Retro Remix Album
Jan 20, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Looking for yet another fix of arranged Mega Man music? Artist The Greatest Bits has recently released a Mega Man 2 themed album containing the majority of Mega Man 2's music, given the retro treatment but with a bit of a kick. I really do love chiptune music myself...

GutsMan Gets Gutted
Jan 15, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Its been awhile but dose anyone remember that cutaway Mega Man figure? Yeah me either. Well KodyKoala has done it again, this time with one of the most brute members of the Mega Man family: Guts Man. This figure has been repainted in a metallic paint giving it much...

Ridiculously Cool MVC3 Move Sets
Jan 11, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
A lot of people seem to be convinced already Mega Man is gone from Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and while I'll admit it's not looking real great, I still think it's a bit soon to give up all hope. However, it does inspire a little regret when artist Availation shows us what...

A Superb “Esperanto” (MMZ4) Remix For Your Listening Pleasure
Jan 9, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
The Mega Man X Series album from the Overclocked ReMix community is nearing completion (just look at all the finished tracks!). As if the gigantic track list wasn't enough, it will also feature a bonus remix of Esperanto from Mega Man Zero 4 (one of my personal...

Fan Made Mega Man E-Tank Commercial
Jan 7, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
And if you thought I only had one goofy Friday morning video for you, take another! Here is a commercial for the E-Tank branded energy drinks, created by a couple of Mega Man fans. It's pretty cheesy, but the statement that the E-Tank will get you women is an absolute...

A Musical Tribute to Mega Man
Jan 7, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Looking for some new arranged Mega Man tunes? Karakasa Music has just released their fanmade album Mega Man Renaissance, which you can download entirely for free! Having sampled some of the tracks, it's definitely a bit out there, but I know a lot of people look for...

Celebrate the New Year with X and Friends
Jan 1, 2011 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Here's a special treat for everyone today! Artists kaiten and teatea have brought us this new year card to share with everyone. A beautiful image of X, Zero and Axl celebrating with the Command Mission crew in the Sky room. (Leave it to Axl to be underfoot.)...

Robot Enemies Less Dangerous When Plush
Dec 30, 2010 | Community Developments, Fan Community
For the Mega Man fan wanting a softer approach to robot baddies, Etsy seller RabbitHollow has a plush Bomb Bat available for... B.. Bomb Bat? BOMB BAT?? It is called a BATTON you ignorant unwashed #$*&@#!!!... *huff* *huff* Ok... Yes, you can buy the Batton plush....

Look Cool as Proto Man this Halloween
Oct 28, 2010 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Got a little Mega Man fan in the making? Then give him or her an extra boost this Halloween with this constructable Proto Man costume. Even comes with a shield and a light up buster! You can find the instructions to create the guise over at Instructables. Furthermore,...

Waiting for Legends 3: A Tribute
Oct 24, 2010 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Ok I'm taking a risk here. I'm posting this video without really having watched any of it yet, because I CANNOT watch more than a few seconds without completely cracking up. I apologize, Dashe, I know I'm a horrible person. However, I've been assured that the video is...

More Lega Man Goodness
Oct 19, 2010 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Yes I decided on Lega Man, even though the artist himself officially calls it Lego Mega Man. After making Lego-fied versions of the Mega Man 2 weapons, Raphael Phillips has now tackled the Robot Masters themselves. You can check them out on The 8-Bit Cubist, along...

The Mega Man Bosses Have Had Enough
Nov 12, 2009 | Community Developments, Fan Community
Capcom*Unity posted this, it gave us a few chuckles, and so it was decided to pass it along to you, the Mega Man fan., purveyors of comedy both relating to video games and not, has put together a short back and forth conversation between Cut Man and...
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