
A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 4
Apr 8, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
At long last, we reach Wily Stage 4. Nothing new to see here, move along. You could just move the bottom block to get through here, but you can also get the energy with the Magnet Beam or by making an awkward jump to lift the top block. You'll be rewarded later for...

A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 3
Apr 1, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
With Copy Mega Man out of the way, Wily Stage 3 is next. Stage 3 starts you right under a Suzy, and rest of this section is a series of drops with Suzys and Mambus. The second screen isn't dangerous, but the Suzys in the third start moving right away, so you have to...

A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 2
Mar 25, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
After the defeat of the Yellow Devil, it's on to Wily Stage 2. Stage 2 puts you in front of a gap with a Heli flying over it. Two more appear when you get to the edge, so it's best to wait for the second one to come to you before jumping. Not bad, but the same pattern...

Rockman EXE Phantom of Network: Initial Coverage and Goodies
Mar 21, 2012 | Articles, Featured, Site Developments
One year ago today, Mega Man Battle Network celebrated its tenth anniversary. I guess that makes it a "grown up" series, so to speak; many of players who became fans at the start are beginning to enter adulthood today! (To say nothing of those who practically were...

A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 1
Mar 18, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
With the fall of Fire Man ending the threat of the Robot Masters, all that is left is to find Dr. Wily in his four-level fortress. The Wily stages have two pieces of music for all four, so here's a link to both, plus the boss music. Wily Stage 1 Now, Wily stages...

A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Fire Man
Mar 11, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
After skirting the razor's edge in Cut Man's stage, we blaze forward to Fire Man's stage (with its music). We start off going through a few corridors with Screwdrivers. There's not much to these when they're all level with you, but they at least make you walk over one...

A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Bomb Man
Feb 26, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Following Elec Man, we proceed to Bomb Man's Stage (and its music). Right away, a Blaster jumps into our face. Then a bunch more. Combined with the staggered terrain, this is already among the best couple screens we've seen so far. The exploding thing is a Bombombomb...

A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Elec Man
Feb 19, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Continuing from where we left off with Ice Man, we now move on to Elec Man's Stage (and his accompanying music). We start out having to climb a few platforms guarded by Gabyoalls. While somewhat difficult, doing this here immediately lets the player know whether this...

A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Ice Man
Feb 13, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Following our look at Guts Man's Stage from the original NES Mega Man game(which is recommended reading if you're new to what this is all about), we are moving on to Ice Man's Stage (with his music, if you want the full experience). Most of the ground in this stage...

A Critical Look at Mega Man Stages: Guts Man
Jan 23, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Mega Man has always been the defining platformer for me, and as a kid there was no series I was more excited to buy a sequel for. Even now, they're by far my most played games on the NES and I'll run through them at the drop of a hat. However, I realized over the past...

Should Robot Workers Have Rights Too? An Argument For the Affirmative
Jan 5, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
by James “GS Edgeman” Riser Originally published in The Monsteropolis Times. August 2nd, 200X -The sunrise woke me before my alarm did. I felt rested, even though my excitement prevented me from falling asleep right away the night before. I got dressed and set out to...

The Reploid Condition
Nov 22, 2011 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
by James “GS Edgeman” Riser Mega Man lives in the science fiction universe with the creations of Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, and many others. The Mega Man story may have been inspired by many things, but some very cool parallels can be drawn from the novel Do...

Why Mega Man’s Staples Work
Oct 8, 2011 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
by James “GS Edgeman” Riser Every game has its staples, the constant elements that are carried over from one game to the next. These are the reasons why players will come back to a certain series over and over again. Staples are an odd thing for a game developer to...

An Overview of Rockman DASH on Cell Phone
Sep 24, 2011 | Articles, Featured
Since moving to Japan, one of the things I wanted to set out to do was try all these various Rockman games that are released her for mobile phones. It's been difficult, and it cost me quite a bit, but I finally accomplished that goal. From here on out, I hope to be...

Surprise Character in Smash Bros De-make!
Sep 17, 2011 | Articles, Fan Community, Featured, Mega Man, Other News
What do you get when you combine Super Smash Bros with the GameBoy...? Why, a retroesque, low-resolution, greenish de-make called Super Smash Land of course! This PC fan-game, which has been in the works for quite a while, is now finally available free for download,...

Rock On with Mega Bands
Sep 17, 2011 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
By James “GS Edgeman” Riser Music is an important variable in the equation of a good game, almost as important as graphics and game play, and the wrong type of music can easily break the immersion of a title. For example, Mega Man's frantic, fast paced music sets the...

Guest Column: “Analysis of the Cancellation and How It Can Be Saved”
Jul 22, 2011 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
MMN reader Omar has created an essay which looks at why he believes Mega Man Legends 3 was canceled, as well as the possibilities for its return. Mind, he did submit this to us a few days ago, and we have only now been able to post it, so there may be some parts which...

Countdown to Archie’s Mega Man, Day 5: Dreamwave’s Mega Man
Apr 29, 2011 | Featured, Mega Man
Our final stop on our trip back through Mega Man's adventures into the North American mainstream comes not from the United States, but Canada, and a small comic book company once known as Dreamwave. Though Archie's first issue of Mega Man will be available in comic...

Countdown to Archie’s Mega Man, Day 4: The Mega Man Animated Series
Apr 28, 2011 | Featured, Mega Man
To date, Mega Man's biggest excursion into the mainstream (mind, the video game industry wasn't quite the same then as it is today) came to be in 1994, thanks to the animation company Ruby-Spears Productions*. Together with Capcom Productions, they were able to...

Countdown to Archie’s Mega Man, Day 3: Worlds of Power: Mega Man 2
Apr 27, 2011 | Featured, Mega Man
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