Capcom Announces 30th Anniversary Mega Man Panel for Tokyo Game Show
As the 2017 Tokyo Game Show draws near, Capcom has announced what they will be bringing to the event through their official TGS website. Of particular note are a pair of scheduled panels listed on their Stage page.

For September 24th, as translated by Gematsu:
14:20 to 15:05 – Mega Man‘s 30th Anniversary is Almost Here! Stage – In December, the Mega Man series will reach its 30th anniversary. As we look towards the nearly here memorial year, we’ll look back on the Mega Man titles released so far and deliver the latest 30th anniversary celebration information. Featuring Kazuhiro Tsuchiya (producer) and guests America Zarigani, Chocolat Ikeda, and Ayana.
In addition, there will be a ten-minute Mega Man studio talk following immediately thereafter, and both events will be livestreamed via NicoNico.
Tsuchiya was the producer on Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, and it’s entirely possible that this event is meant to tie that in with the Blue Bomber’s 30th anniversary. It would be fantastic if we got something new there as well, but we’ll just have to keep our expectations in check while we wait and see.
Source: Protodude’s Rockman Corner

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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