Worlds Unite Teaser Image Part 2: Beyond Mega Man and Sonic
Following yesterday’s reveal, today’s spotlight reveals some new characters to be taking part in the “Worlds Unite” crossover from Archie, and as many suspected, they do indeed go well beyond the realms of Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog.
IGN updated their story with the following image:

Now revealed are SEGA’s Billy Hatcher and Alex Kidd, who are joined by Capcom’s Viewtiful Joe and Nina from Breath of Fire 3. However, Nina’s not alone: Writer Ian Flynn notes that “we’ve got the entire party from Breath of Fire 3, arguably the best of the franchise. (I leave the fans to debate how correct/heretical I am).”
According to Editor Paul Kaminski:
“With the formation of the reality-traversing “Genesis Portals”, our heroes will be taken to new worlds from throughout the Sega and Capcom universes to do battle with Sigma’s forces of evil! From the high-fantasy worlds of Alex Kidd and Breath of Fire, to the mischievous and over-the-top adventures of Billy Hatcher and Viewtiful Joe, Sonic, Mega Man and co will explore places never before seen in Archie Action comics!”
Flynn notes how Viewtiful Joe’s wild and colorful world is a perfect fit for the crossover, and that “When we were putting together the list of franchises to feature, I knew [Alex Kidd] had to be on the top. Sonic maybe synonymous with SEGA now, but it’s only because Alex paved the way for him. And on the other end of the spectrum is Billy Hatcher, the lively and original platforming hero that was the last major new IP for SEGA – at least in the realm of platform heroes like Sonic and Alex.”
More darkness still looms on the horizon, and both SEGA and Capcom have many more classic worlds to pull from for what looks to be one of the most epic crossovers of all time. Who’s next? Stay tuned to find out tomorrow!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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