Ripot’s Round-Up – 5/8/14

Too many news tips, too little time. What’s one to do? Call the Ripot-man, of course!
Quite a few tips have come in lately, and without turning things over to Ripot to round up, there is no way we’ll be able to get them posted in good time, so let’s get started!
Gaijin Goombah tells us that The Game Exchange has part 2 of their world tour of the stages of Mega Man 6. Missed part 1? Click here.
Speaking of Mega Man 6, AkuKnives has composed some original themes to fight Centaur Man to.
It’s quite a shame we never got a Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X 2, isn’t it? Fortunately, thanks to the effort of Jadzxa, we can at least have some idea of what it might have sounded like. You can listen and download for yourself here.
This is how far behind I am: I forgot about a tip I sent in to myself!
Tamashii Nations, the guys partially behind the Mega Man and Mega Man X D-Arts figures, have created a variety of special effects parts you can get to dress up your figure display shelf. Energy effects, rippled craters, the works.
From SuperMegaManX: Arcade Sushi looks at the top 15 dogs in video gaming. Guess where Rush ranks?
Like Mega Man figures? Then has Watchapol got a Flickr gallery for you! How many do you have?
From Tony Ponce at Destructoid: Rockman Xover might not be for everyone, but at least it has some nice tunes. And now those tunes can be yours– click here to find out how!
From MegaZX30: Remember that 8-bit version of the Mega Man Legends 3 prototype? It was apparently updated a while back, with the region issue fixed and an English readme file added.
We previously featured Fin Leavell in a TMMN Jukebox, and he’s back with more tracks!
Dark Man’s stage from Mega Man 5
“One Shot, One Kill,” as revisited by Manami Matsumae
You can get the complete collection here.
Ever wonder how much one of Dr. Wily’s castles would cost? Travis Sawrie of Movato did, and this is what he found out for the Mega Man 2 version.
“15 years after the US release of the first [Mega Man Legends] game, Enigma looks back at one of the most under-appreciated Mega Man series ever and what cause the conclusion to met its tragic cancellation.”
There have been a few different Servbot hats released over the years (not sure how many have been official), but the ones Shawn Handyside tipped us off to at Level Up Studios are some of the coolest we’ve ever seen.
Speaking of apparel, how about this cool Dr. Wily t-shirt at Fangamer that Heidi tipped us off to?
The Brotherhood of Gaming checks out a classic Mega Man toy: The Rockman Battle & Chase RC racer! Thanks to William Morris for the tip!
OKeijiDragon conducted an interview with former Capcom music composer Makoto Tomozawa, who worked on such titles as the early Mega Man games, Resident Evil, Mega Man X, Mega Man 7, and the Mega Man Legends games.
Here’s a quick rundown of all Mega Man-things related:
-The Legends series are among his favorite games to have composed music for.
-Specifies which tracks for Mega Man X and Mega Man 7 he did.
-Calls out Mega Man X3 (PSX) Intro theme for being “unrefined.”
–Mega Man X is too difficult for Mr. Tomozawa now it seems (lol).
-Quote: “Most important work to compose is to understand the outlook of the game world. By image-board, by story, by character, case-by-case.”
-Volnutt was planned to have his own theme music (Cleveland Rock asks about this).
-There was no special meaning behind MegaMan Juno’s theme. It was a flash of inspiration.
-The decision for classical music for Legends was “because the chance to touch the classical music was few.”
-Capcom’s perception in Legends 1’s release.
-Quote: “Customer’s satisfaction rating is more important than a commercial success as the developer.” This was Capcom’s way of measuring success back then.
You can find the full interview here.
Aeolus has directed us to two different Mega Man-related YouTube channels. HunterDynamo focuses on translation and subtitling, and has “subbed every vocal song from the Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero, and has recently been translating the X series Japanese openings and endings as well.”
Meanwhile, Dracula9AntiChapel is about remixing the music from one game in another game’s style. “For example, remixing a song from the Zero series in X2 sound font, or an X8 song in Classic NES style. This channel has lots of works regarding the Mega Man series, so I think this channel is of interest here.”
Brian/Undamned has some cool Rockman stuff from Japan he’s decided to unbox for us. Check it out here.
What if Metal Man turned against Dr. Wily? That’s the general premise behind a compilation of musical remixes by Giulio “Blue Chaos Light” Nicolardi, which you can learn more about here.
SilentBobX has informed us that IGN has ranked their Top 25 Gaming Duos, and none other than X and Zero have made the list, beating out such renowned tandems as Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter and the Double Dragons. They were even featured front and center in the site’s banner for the feature, which also had Sonic & Tails and the Mario Bros.!
Andrew has submitted a Smooth McGroove acapella of the Mega Man X stage select theme, which you can find here.
M-Chan gives us a bit of fan art by way of Destructoid and Protodude which features two of Monster Hunter‘s Felynes dressed as the Blue Bomber. Check them out here.
Elecmagikarp has let us know that The Megas are now accepting pre-orders for History Repeating: Red, the second half of the group’s Mega Man 3 album.
Axl The Hunter II and Jad4321 both dropped us a line about this video from Ultimate Maverick X which adapts the “Truth of Hero” drama track from the first Rockman Zero Remaster album, featuring Zero’s first confrontation with Copy X.
Nigoli has informed us that today’s episode of Game Center CX features none other than the Super Famicom classic Rockman X! Watch if you can, or if we find a version of the episode online, we’ll share it either here or on the Rock Tumblr.
Oakie620 passed along this tip, and I’ll let him tell it in his own words:
“I ran into this earlier today. From what I can make of Google’s translation, it’s a two-disc album with select arrangements nearly every MM series (haven’t spotted DASH/Legends in the track list). It’s apparently priced at 2000 yen and the release date is April 27th, ergo it came out just a couple of days ago. There is also a 25 minute long demo available in the page.
You may want to verify this info with someone who is Japanese literate, but I think the page alone is news worthy.”
The site is here, and if you can verify the info, please drop us a line with our tip submission or an e-mail to the.mega.man.network at gmail.com.
MegamanX827 told us about this game called Mercenary Kings, which features an interesting weapon called the “Peashooter.” Similar in appearance to the Mega Buster, its description says it was “designed by Light Industries, made to fight for everlasting peace.” Cool nod, and you can see it in action above!
And that does it for now! However, I have a whole separate list of stuff related to fan games, Mighty No. 9, and other things I thought would better make for separate pieces, so stay tuned for those soon! In the meantime, I’ll try to keep things from stacking up like this again.
Thanks to everyone who submitted a tip, and again, sorry it took so long to run all of these!
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