Preview Pages for Mega Man #27: Worlds Collide Part 10 at Flickering Myth
We’re closing in on the end of the “Worlds Collide” crossover between Archie’s Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog comics! The first five pages of Part 10 of 12, featured in Mega Man #27, are now available for your previewing pleasure at Flickering Myth.
“We enter the final assault as Sonic, Tails, Mega Man and Rush storm the Wily Egg to end the dastardly duo of doctors’ plans! Speaking of “duos,” what’s that entering Earth’s atmosphere? Can it help Sonic and Mega Man fend off the Mega Man Killers? How about a Chaos Devil?”
Find out on July 10th when the new issue hits comic book stores! And in addition to Ben Bates continuing his work on interior pencils for the final act, the cover has two variations: The full-color piece by Patrick “Spaz” Spaziante and Matt Herms at right, and a slightly-different “pencil-ink-color” progressive version.
Thanks to Tahtorak for the tip!
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