Tuttle’s Legendary Travels Launches “Sturm Servbot Event”
Remember a few months ago, when we told you about the up-and-coming fan game set in the world of Mega Man Legends called “Tuttle’s Legendary Travels?” One part of that was that there would be contests to help the development along in a way akin to the Mega Man Legends 3 Project DevRoom Events.
As it happens, the team behind “Tuttle’s” has one such contest already underway. Check it out:
Nodin seems a little Teisel-esque, but these character and ship designs seem pretty cool nonetheless. But the Sturm forces need their Servbot equivalent, and that’s where you come in!
Blyka notes that this is perhaps the most important event they’ll be holding, with the winning design as a part of the game featured prominently from the opening cutscene through the ending credits. To find out more, visit this thread on The Mega Man Legends Station’s forums. The contest ends on September 5th, so don’t delay! Act today!
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