Punk Drunkers and Rockman Unite to Create “Rockman Parka”
This winter, Japanese clothing brand Punk Drunkers wants to make you a “Punk Rockman,” and are doing so by releasing this Rockman Parka. Essentially a hoodie, it comes in both classic Blue Bomber blue, as well as a black variety, and will release this October for a pricy ¥14,000 (roughly $179 US). It’s a pretty cool design, with the Rockman helmet hood, though the “P-Tanks” are a little funny and I’m not sure I get the red band over the left sleeve (buster opening?).
These Rockman Parkas are available for pre-order on Rakuten for now, and we’ll have to see how much more wide spread they get come October. Hopefully the XL fits me; Himeji can get a bit chilly in the winter.
News Credit: CAP Kobun
Filed under...Mega Man
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