First Round of Rockman Online Questions Answered
This is a translation of the Rockman Online Q&A part one by Amunshen, with some assistance from Heat Man. These answers do not include questions collected by Amunshen from western users. These should appear in the next answer post, if they are answered.
Good morning hunters, this is Alia (the blog manager).
As per our announcement last week, we prepared a place where we could answer questions submitted by users.
Mr.M, the chief of the Rockman Online development team has written his answers while going through every question.
Development is still ongoing, so in cases where we’re unable to answer questions concering elements we couldn’t made public, we respectfully apologize.
We will be continuing to takes questions until November 13th, so by all means, if there’s something on your mind please leave a comment and ask us!
01. (from 신디루비)
Q: As Rockman Online is an online game based on the original games, have the developers played any of the previous Rockman games before…!? Of course I think you’ve played many to completion, but I’m curious if there are any truly passionate fans on board.
Also, the “version development”… Is that related to the development of Online?
A: There are indeed passionate fans among the development staff. (Though exactly who is a secrety… ^^)
And yes, the “version development” at the top of the Rockman Online blog is certainly a Rockman Online development thing.
02. (from 페릴로드)
Q: Does the scope of the characters appearing in Rockman Online include every series? If not, what series is the game limited to?
Please state your answer exactly in form of like “from the classic to Command mission”. it seemed to appear to be references to Rockman Zero characters, so I have my hopes… hehehe.
A: The basis of Rockman Online is to contain every Rockman series.
(However, since there are certainly far too many elements in all, we are planning the appearance of characters to balance the story. So, it’s difficult to say what series we’ll definitely use.)
03. (from 하뉴)
Q: It seems like Capcom is abandoning Rockman, so will you continue Rockman Online on your own?
A: Rockman Online differs from the console Rockman series in that it’s a game concentrated on being developed together with Capcom and NeoWizGames.
So, even if Capcom cancels their console Rockman series, Rockman Online is in a state where work will continue to progress.
04. (from 열정의버너맨)
Q: When I watched someone’s G-Star video of play footage, the characters’ functions and the bosses’ characteristics seemed totally different from the source material. Why are they so different?
A:In the case of Online, we thought we should especially emphasize the multiplayer with various users. So, while considering this kind of multiplayer, we thought of bringing characteristics that are a little different from those of the earlier series when adding up each character’s characteristics. (The characters and the bosses ^^;)
This is the very first Rockman game made in the online genre, so to some extent we will feel saved if the existing can understand these circumstances.
05. (from tlsdnr07)
Q: Question heeere! Naturally I expect this to be a subscription game, but just how much are you thinking of charging? (And please tell me about a virtual currency in the game too. ^^)
A: That’s yet to be settled so we can’t say with any certainty. ^^;;
06. (from 스카이)
Q: Will Axl be joining the appearing characters? Also, I’d like to hear about the multiplayer fearures with the shop and such.
A: For the time being, Rockman Online is basically being planned as a multiplayer system with many players playing at the same time.
Also, of course we plan to expand the systems for things like the shop while we add to the growth of characters…
As for whether or not Axl is appearing…Anyway, please look into the characters after we have a structured service. ^^ (I know it’s boring to answer this way…)
07. (from Crisopraz)
Q: Will more illustrations of the bosses with their new features be publicized?
A: This is still undetermiend, so we’ll decide whether or not to publicize those considering the progress of development.
08. (from 김찬스)
Q: Rockman isn’t a game that puts heavy emphasis on just its action, but its story as well. Although it’s an online game, I think Rockman Online should have a deeply fascinating story. How is this being handled?
A: We plan on pieces of the world view being published on the blog from now on one after another. Keep an eye out for them!
09. (from 천영)
Q: I would like to hear about what extent of influence Rockman Online will have with existing Rockman players’ game skills. I’m also curious about boss weapons and dash jumping being added.
A: When we have a structured service you’ll be able to experience these things immediately by playing… Please. ^^;;;
10. (from 쿄우렌)
Q: Will I be able to do group play like in other online games?
A: Rockman Online is in development with the foundations of group play and multiplayer.
11. (from 유령님)
Q: The final attack in boss fight actially wasn’t seemed cool, and…In a way, it felt a bit like God of War. Why was a system like this put in on purpose…?
A: We’re considering various ways to have more fun in the game. The one that you pointed out is one of those ways, so things like this will be reconsidered in various ways during development… We’re working hard to make things more cool for when we have a structured service. ^^
12. (from 로제)
Q: Are you planning on putting animations in the game? Like the teaser movie animation!
A: We plan to consider using various production elements like animation if it’s necessary to tell the game’s story.
13. (from Leeyeezhy)
Q: I’m really interested in who the voice actors are who perform Rockman Online’s characters. Please tell me.Also, what’s the story to the prologue and ending?
(Note: Do online games have endings in the first place?)
A: There is a chance will will talk about the voice performers in future updates~.
Also I think we ought to be able to inrtroduce story elements as well… ^^;
14. (from 시이아스)
Q: It’s been said the open beta test is next year…
Do you plan to continue telling the stories of incomplete series such as X and DASH in Rockman Online?
A: We plan to only tell the story of Rockman Online, rather than further the story of any existing series.
(Of course it’s not as though we’re completely removing the contents of the existing series, but… hmmmn, that’s all I can say for now. ^^;)
15. (from 로엔)
Q: Will DASH and EXE be referenced too?
A: Rockman Online is being developed with the intend to include contents and scenarios from all existing console Rockman series.
Since it’s difficult to discuss what series have and haven’t been used right now, please look forward to the upcoming updates concerning the story and system. (This probably sounds like a way of driving hype… hehehe.)
16. (from 로엔)
Q: Following the posted materials up until now I think things are progressing as a single story, but I’d like to know whether you’re using the classic and X series stories, or making a completely original story.
With nolstalgic characters being used it seems existing story like may also appear…
A: Rockman Online is progressing as its own story.
To some extent, because existing characters and bosses do appear, I think there is intention to preserve particular stories regarding them.
17. (from 이정규씨)
Q: Can I play as Roll in the game? Please let me use her. >_<
A: As of now the only characters are those which we’ve announced. We are preparing new characters, but we can’t announce them yet.
18. (from Zero멜로)
Q: Will characters’ armor and parts be sold as fee items? Or can they be bought in the game with Game money? Also, I’m curious how much the characters’ functions (their movements and balance) have changed since G-Star2010…
A: The movements, balance and various other aspects have evolved a great deal since the G-star version. We continue to toil in this regard. T_T As for billing and paid contents, we have not determined these things so please wait for further information.
19. (from 풍천낭아)
Q: I want that helmet~~~. Will Axl be appearing with the original X and Zero?
A: The helmet… is expensive… It’s probably difficult to get… hmhm. Anyway, please keep an eye out on the opening of the service concerning the appearing characters.
20. (from Ryun)
Q: Will you be able to look for things like hidden parts in special stages, like in the original games?
A: That’s a secret… hmhm. (Actually since the game is still in development those things are… a bit hard to answer…)
21. (from 펑포)
Q: Question here… will you be able to play as the bad guys? For example Vile, Red, etc…
A: Enemies are just enemies… We want the players of Rockman Online to be heroes, not villains.
22. (from g_ga_a)
Q: Will it be possible to gain skills from beating bosses, like in the existing Rockman games? If not, will we learn them from the skill masters by leveling up like in any other RPG?
Who among the characters are those that players can play as?
A: Since the game is still in development, we can’t explain this in great detail…(When characters outside of X, Zero and Duo, who were shown at G-Star are determined, we will announce them on our blog post haste.)
23. (from 마츠모토미츠키)
Q: Will instance dungeons appear?
A: Currently Rockman Online is being developed in the way of entering to battle fields from the Town.
(Note: Both the question and answer given were very vague, so I’m not certain of the meaning.)
24. (from 골숭이)
Q. How’s the criteria for voice actors?
A: The voices match the characters… plus very cool…*cough*! Please check future updates pertaining to the voice actors.
Q: Looking both objectively and subjectively, compared to other famous online games, do you think that this game will give value that appeals to gamers more than other games? Can the player be considered from the standpoint of a game company?
A: For now, the focus is the players. The core of development is always “What are the players thinking of.” Certainly we can’t expect to account for every single player’s opinions… But it’s reasonable to do everything we can, and we promise to take this into account as much as we can.
Q: To put it simply, can you make a better Rockman game than Capcom presently can?
A: Personally, all of us think that the series Capcom has put our previously are amazing. The goal now is to make games that are much better than the games that came before, even if there are only a few, because they are games made in the present day.
Q: If the game still seems incomplete as the release date draws near, are you prepared to postpone the release date so you can make it more complete?
A: We’re already in the processing of stretching our open schedule to make the game complete as we’re working. Ahahaha…. T_T
It appears, to a certain degree, Rockman Online is using a managerial strategy when you look at the practice of marketing via a blog. In this case I’m concerned about the most important element: the needs (desires) of the customers (players), that is, how much their desires are being grasped.
Moreover, today’s gamers are not the gamers of old. Especially because in the Korean game market, if desired elements are not delivered, these products will be weeded out. Countless games that were extremely trendy
simply ended because they couldn’t satisfy desires.
The truth is, while I’m looking forward to this game myself, I’m worried whether or not it will fall under the radar when it starts. Personally, I don’t think it would be bad if this game were developed in cooperation with Keiji Inafune.
Well anyhow, I even would like to send the development team a box of nourishing drinks to cheer them, so I’ll quietly pray that a good quality game is made. I pray for that result above all else.
A: Generally speaking, we plan to continue gathering data by any means available in regards to the needs of the players, and we think we ought to accomplish making a good quality game from this sort of research.
29. (from 콜드커스텀)
Q: When’s the closed beta test gonna staaaaarrt…. I’m gonna die if I keep waiting… When when when.
A: The service schedule will be decided soon… Right now we’re concentrating with all our might, so it’s difficult to answer on the open agenda and such.
We will provide additional details in our second round of posts.
Thank you all very much!
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