D-Arts Gets a bit Villainous with Vile
For a short while we weren’t clear on if there’d even be another major X themed D-Arts figure from Bandai, but today you’ve got something new to look forward to! Vile, the first villain character to receive the D-Arts treatment, is joining the lineup. And why not? He was one of the top requested characters in the chara-merchandise poll Ucchy-san held back in April.
As you can see right now, the figure is just a prototype. They are still working on making sure the design is sharp while retaining a fluid sense of movement and poseability. Capcom’s own designers are helping with this.
No details are given yet on what kind of features the figure will have or when it’s set to come out, but we can probably imagine. Of course, since Vile has no face really, face plates might be out. Perhaps additional weapon sets?
Additionally, you can also fine lots of pics of the special edition Rockman X “Comic Version” figure from a previous post on Rockman Unity. This figure will only be available at the upcoming Tamashii Nations 2011 event!
Looking great, Bandai! Keep ’em coming!
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