Mega Man Legends 3 Devroom Digest
There is much hustle and bustle within Capcom’s special Mega Man Legends 3 Project Devroom, and between judging contests, reflecting on what once was, pondering what we hope one day will be, and other fun stuff… well, a few things have slipped through the cracks.
But fear not! For those of you who have not been adhering to your daily Servbot duties, we present the following Devroom Digest of happenings for you to delve into. Since the winning Reaverbot design was announced:
- Kinako spent some time with Director Eguchi, perhaps better known to some as “Mr. Famous.” That’s right, the same guy from the Mega Man Battle Network series. And yes, he really does dress the way you see in the image at right– click and see for yourselves!
Interestingly enough, part of what he was doing on this day was trying to sell people from Capcom’s “upper tier” on the game, something which he was nervous about. On top of that, there was a bit of a slight mishap, which you can read about in part three, and on to the meeting itself in part four (featuring an official’s reaction to Eguchi’s attire). They even show off the game to the officials in part five, but since we are not allowed to see it, the game has been covered by Servbot heads.
- A second edition of “A Zenny for Your Thoughts” comes to a close with a winner, as participants pondered why our favorite “Blue Boy” is called “MegaMan.”
- Have you felt that despite the participation of fans, there is still a bit of a barrier between the Mega Man Legends 3 Development team and the Devroom users? It seems that Director Eguchi (and one of his seniors) feel the same way, and are declaring their resolve to set this right, and make the Devroom Project something truly unique and unprecedented.
- Greg reports in to notify us of a Devroom Prizing Event, where Devroom users can suggest prizes for future Devroom contests. And that itself has become a contest, with the winner receiving a Servbot Bobble Budd!
- Here, they continue their look at the process and progress of recording the lines for Legends‘ newest heroine, Aero! In addition to the Japanese side of things, they also delve into some Q&A about the English version.
- One of the programmers, Fujikawa, posted an updated on what they’ve been doing. And this update is full of intrigue, as he attempts to “just push the boundaries of disclosure, at the risk of being censored.” And indeed he was! Click the link to take a stab at guessing what Capcom is covering up.
And that’s all she– er, they wrote! Whew! Not bad for the course of one week.
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