Pre-Orders for American Kotobukiya Mega Man Models Now Open!
We’ve heard the rumors, and we’ve seen the plans. Now, at long last, those who have eagerly awaited the chance to order their very own Kotobukiya Mega Man figures have their chance!
Well, almost; “pre-orders” are what Entertainment Earth is taking for the Kotobukiya versions of Mega Man, his sister Roll, and his mysterious older brother, Proto Man. Each costs $27.99, and all three are slated for a release in June 2011, though this could be subject to change, pending an announcement from Kotobukiya themselves.
Following is what Entertainment Earth has to say about each model kit, which is likely common knowledge to those who have been following the line up to this point:
Mega Man Protoman Plastic Model Kit:
* Protoman, the fan-favorite 8-bit era of Mega Man!
* Protoman comes with shield!
* Build, customize, and admire!Proto Man is made up of pre-painted parts (approximately 200), Proto Man doesn’t require any painting or glue. With 30 points of articulation for excellent posing he is 5 1/2-inches tall (1:10 scale). Customize him with included interchangeable parts like multiple faces with tampo-printed eyes, and additional hands and weapons!
Mega Man Rockman Plastic Model Kit:
* Capcom’s 8-bit classic character, Mega Man!
* Build, customize, and admire!
* Full of detail and articulation!Mega Man, also known as “Rockman,” is Capcom’s world-renowned and beloved hero as a plastic model kit! Standing 5-inches tall (1:10 scale), the video game hero is comprised of approximately 200 pieces and has 30 points of articulation for excellent posing. Mega Man also comes with bonus parts so that you can display him as you choose. There are two interchangeable blasts for his Mega Blaster: standard and “charged.” He also has three types of pre-applied tampo printed faces for a variety of facial expressions and even an in-scale “E” can!
Mega Man Roll Plastic Model Kit:
* Roll, keeping your collection nice and tidy!
* Cute female robot from Mega Man!
* Detailed and articulated with plenty of interchangeable parts!Standing just over 5-inches tall (1:10 scale), the cute robot girl has 30 points of articulation and comes with multiple tampo-printed eye and face options as well as interchangeable clothing and hands!
As always, we’ll bring you more information as it becomes available.
Source: via Protodude’s Rockman Corner
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