Teaser Trailer Surfaces for Rockman Online
So, this just happened:
What exactly is going on? We couldn’t tell you– your guess is as good as ours. But apparently, the Korean-exclusive Rockman Online is going to be taking place in some sort of hybrid world– in addition to Rockman, Roll, Dr. Wily, the Yellow Devil, the original six Robot Masters, and Dr. Light, Blues seems to have a bit of a redesign while Forte is evoking the cloak his Battle Network counterpart.
In fact, they all seem to have some redesigns going on, some more than others. A unique take, to be certain.
On top of that, there is plenty of stuff for X fans as well, as Iris, Alia, and Signas all appear… but no sign of Rockman X or Zero. However, Protodude reports that other sites covering the game have confirmed the presence of the two legendary Irregular Hunters in this adventure.
All this, plus a villainous figure looming in shadow leads to a lot of intrigue. Unfortunately, no actual gameplay is shown, thus leaving that aspect of the game a mystery for now.
What’s strange is the way things are set up. There had been a rumor that Online would tie the Classic and X timelines together, but that’s not what this looks like. Chronologically speaking, if this were to be a late-Classic/early-X story, then the presence of Alia, Signas, and especially Iris seems rather off-the mark.
So does this tie the two series together, solving what happened in the interim between them? Or is it more akin to a crossover? We’ll just have to wait and see.
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