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Exploding Rabbit Analyzes the Game Mechanics of Mega Man X
May 13, 2013 | Community Developments
In working on Super Retro Squad, Jay Pavlina of Exploding Rabbit (of "Super Mario Crossover" fame) is going through some classic retro game titles to research the mechanics which made them so much fun to play, and has decided to share the experience in a series of...

Mega Man Makes List of “10 Examples of Fan Service That Fans Hated”… Twice
May 12, 2013 | Community Developments
GamesRadar has been celebrating their annual "Week of Hate," and today's feature involves "10 examples of fan service that fans hated"-- instances where companies try to do something to please fans of a certain franchise, only to have the whole thing blow up in their...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 5 Stages: Crystal Man
May 12, 2013 | Articles, Featured
Crystal Man's Stage and Music Pukapucker is our first new enemy of the stage. Shooting the feet causes the head to bounce away in the direction it was facing, but taking out the head destroys both. The head is constantly moving and is thus more difficult to hit, which...

Capcom Unity and Archie Showcase Their Favorite Mega Man Comic Moments
May 11, 2013 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Archie's Mega Man comic series has surpassed two years now, and it's currently running through its highly anticipated "Worlds Collide" crossover arch. You might say the series has garnered some history now. So Brelston at Capcom Unity and Archie are listing off their...

Mega Man and X Together at Last
May 10, 2013 | Mega Man
Well, in this commemorative statue at least. Originally mentioned back at PAX, this 10 inch resin statue is coated in silver coloring and features both Mega Man and X. The reason being, while last year was the start of Mega Man's 25th anniversary, this year will have...

Who’s Capcom Pulling For in the D-Arts Character Poll?
May 10, 2013 | Mega Man
Last month we informed you about a new character poll being run by Rockman Unity and Bandai meant to help determine the next Mega Man characters to become new D-Arts figures. That poll is still running until the 16th, Japan time, so if you haven't submitted your input...

Capcom of Japan Lists Rockman iPhone 5 Case
May 9, 2013 | Mega Man
Here's another new piece of anniversary merchandise coming from Capcom of Japan. This time we have a Rockman themed iPhone 5 case made in "3D sprite" style. Believe it or not, such silicon cases with elements sticking out of them are fairly popular in Japan. The case...

Arcademan Appears to Game Over Xover Players
May 9, 2013 | Mega Man
The process of the Rockman Xover boss character contest has come full circle, and with an update tonight winner Arcademan is now available in the game. You can see this Master Boss class baddie in action above, with his retro game sprite themed attack. Unfortunately...

The Blue Ink Reviews Mega Man #25 – Worlds Collide Part 4: Real Heroism
May 9, 2013 | Reviews
"Communication can only take place between equals." -- Kenneth Boulding ------------------------------------- In the Green Hill Zone, Sonic is supreme. His mastery of the bounce springs and the loop-de-loops is without question, and he even poured on a blast of...

Details Arise for Bandai’s D-Arts Ultimate Armor X
May 8, 2013 | Mega Man
Late last night, Bluefin Tamashii Nations officially announced the release of D-Arts Ultimate Armor X in the US on September for $45.99 USD. They promise more details will be forthcoming, however Tamashii Web in Japan may have the jump on them. Now that Ultimate Armor...

IGN Previews Mega Man #25: Worlds Collide Part 4
May 8, 2013 | Mega Man
Over on IGN is a preview for the fourth part of "Worlds Collide," Mega Man #25, which is due to hit comic shops tomorrow. Now that Sonic and Mega Man are on the Blue Bomber's home turf, will the tide of battle go in favor of the Super Fighting Robot? Find out by...

Fan’s Custom Backlit NES Celebrates 25 Years of Mega Man
May 6, 2013 | Community Developments
Over on Facebook, Platinumfungi dropped us a line letting us know about a little something he managed to whip together for Mega Man's 25th anniversary. With a bit of help from Custom Nes Guy, he's created a Nintendo Entertainment System which is not only adorned with...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 5 Stages: Stone Man
May 5, 2013 | Articles, Featured
Title Music & Stage Select Music Mega Man 5 gives us a somewhat lackluster intro compared to the last one, this time using Proto Man as Wily's new scapegoat. The Robot Master selection is as ridiculous as always, and Mega Man gets a spot on the screen again....

Mega Man Fans Take to Miiverse in Support of the Blue Bomber
May 3, 2013 | Community Developments
It's been a bit over half a day (as of this writing) since the original Mega Man for the NES arrived on the Wii U's Virtual Console, bringing with it an accompanying Miiverse community through which fans can share pictures and messages. Of particular note are the...

The Blue Ink Reviews Sonic the Hedgehog #248 – Worlds Collide Part 3: Foreign Exchange Market
May 2, 2013 | Reviews
"Science studies what's at the edge of understanding, and what's at the edge of understanding is usually fairly simple." -Noam Chomsky --------------------------------------- We left off having finally gotten the full explanation of how Mega Man ended up in the Green...

Mega Man Comes to Wii U Virtual Console… Tomorrow
May 1, 2013 | Mega Man
When it rains, it pours. Our last bit of news during this little flood of items comes from Brelston at Capcom Unity. He reveals that Yacht Club Games aren't the only ones who will be having a "Mega Man," as in addition to the NES version of Mega Man 5 coming to the...

Reminder: Free Comic Book Day is This Saturday, May 4th!
May 1, 2013 | Mega Man
Just a reminder for all of you Mega Man, Sonic the Hedgehog, and just comic book fans in general: This Saturday, May 4th is Free Comic Book Day, and one of the books available to comic book shops is a two-sided Mega Man/Sonic the Hedgehog flipbook which acts as a...

Game Informer Chats with Worlds Collide Creatives About Mega Man & Sonic’s Crossover
May 1, 2013 | Mega Man
"Worlds Collide," the massive 12-part crossover epic between the Mega Man and Sonic the Hedgehog comics from Archie, has begun in earnest with the first quarter wrapping up with today's release of Sonic the Hedgehog #248. What better time, then, to chat with writer...

Celebrate Mega Man ’13 with Yacht Club Games
May 1, 2013 | Community Developments
Yacht Club Games, developer of the upcoming Shovel Knight (featuring original Mega Man composer Manami Matsumae) are going to be partaking in their annual tradition of playing through as many Mega Man games as they can, "in an effort to remind us of what great...

Preview Pages for Sonic the Hedgehog #248 on Newsarama
Apr 30, 2013 | Mega Man
The preview for part three of the massive 12-part crossover event "Worlds Collide" is now available for your viewing pleasure over at Newsarama. For those of you who might have forgotten what this chapter entails, here's the solicitation from back in January: ‘When...
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