TMMN Staff

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games
Jun 4, 2013 | Community Developments
Top 5 with Lisa Foiles : Top 5 Stylish Scarves Though he may not be a Reploid, Proto Man sees a little love today courtesy of The Escapist's Lisa Foiles and her weekly "Top 5" segment. After all, what list of stylish neckwear in gaming would be complete without the...

Reploid Independence Day is Upon Us Once Again
Jun 3, 2013 | Community Developments
As he did last year, our resident comic book reviewer for "The Blue Ink," would like to remind everyone that as per the instruction manual for Mega Man X, June 4th is the "Day of Sigma," aka-- as he puts it-- "Reploid Independence Day." It's a century early, give or...

Announcing the Winners for Our Mega Buster USB Giveaway!
Jun 2, 2013 | Site Developments
Evening folks! It's time to announce the winners of our Mega Buster USB drive giveaway! We got over 240 entries for this prize, and picking three winners was tough! Well, it wasn't really that touch, I just used a random number generator, But still, I wish we could do...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 5 Stages: Napalm Man
Jun 2, 2013 | Articles
Napalm Man's Stage and Music Our first steps into this stage put us in the path of a particularly aggressive enemy, Sumatran. These quickly jump toward us when we or even one of our shots approaches, dealing six damage on contact, and have little delay between...

Get Tabletman’s Battle Memory in Xover for Free
Jun 1, 2013 | Mega Man
Hey players of Rockman Xover, there's a new special edition Battle Memory to grab, and this time you don't even need to buy a product to get it! Just use the above code, and you can get Tablet Man's Battle Memory. If you'll recall, Tablet Man is one of the runner up...

G.I. Joe: Sigma Six? No, One Sigma is Enough, Thank You
Jun 1, 2013 | Community Developments
A few days ago in Ripot's Round-Up, we posted a link to an action figure that customizer Jin Saotome had created of Sigma in the Marvel Legends style. We've since heard back from Jin, who informs us that he's created new 5-inch Sigma figure, which is more in line with...

GameTrailers Pop Facts: Mega Man X Street Fighter
May 31, 2013 | Community Developments
Pop Facts GameTrailers has a rather timely new edition of "Pop Facts." However, contrary to its title, this episode isn't about the somewhat-recent Street Fighter X Mega Man game, but rather, it's about the Street Fighter moves found in the first two Mega Man X...

Details on Mega Man’s Collaboration with Universal Fighting System
May 31, 2013 | Mega Man
Today we have official confirmation of the collaboration between Mega Man (and Darkstalkers) and the card game Universal Fighting System. Additionally, UFS mentions on Facebook that: "Mega Man is going to have at least 3 releases over the next 3 years as complete...

The Much Await Results of the Next D-Arts Character Survey are Here…
May 31, 2013 | Mega Man
Do you think your favorite character made it? Can you stand the anticipation? What? You say the top image sorta gives away the results already? Oh, well, moving right along... First off, the response to the second survey was huge. The planned reveal was actually last...

Get a Glimpse of the Expanded Content of MM25: Mega Man and Mega Man X Official Complete Works
May 30, 2013 | Mega Man
Wow, when it rains, it pours-- especially with Mega Man news. In this case, amidst everything else we've had to say on MM25: Mega Man and Mega Man X Official Complete Works, Brelston at Capcom Unity has posted four images of the book's new expanded contents. Above is...

Mega Man X Hits Wii U Virtual Console with a Special Deal
May 30, 2013 | Mega Man
The perennial Super NES classic Mega Man X has arrived on the Wii U Virtual Console today, carrying with it a price of just $7.99. Alternatively, you can pay just $1.50 if you already have the game transferred over from your Wii Virtual Console, allowing you off-TV...

MM25: Full Cover and Other Information
May 30, 2013 | Mega Man
Here is the full cover to UDON's upcoming Mega Man and Mega Man X artwork extravaganza: MM25 Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. With the full cover revealed, we can be assured that X is getting the same love and representation as the Blue Bomber...

A Pair of Upcoming Soundtracks to Feature Mega Man
May 30, 2013 | Mega Man
We've yet to hear of any new Mega Man soundtracks coming down the pipeline for 2013 (though I imagine they're on the way). However, a couple other albums are getting a head start by featuring Mega Man in their track list. The first is the 10th anniversary soundtrack...

Rockman Xover Gets Yet Another Collaboration
May 30, 2013 | Mega Man
Not content with mixing things up with Seven Thousands Wars, a new collaboration with Xover is in the works for Sega's smartphone titles Dragon Coins. Labeled as a "coin RPG," Dragon Coins uses this basis of a medal game (i.e. coin pusher) as a mechanic to fight...

Cute Rush Protects Your Tissue Box
May 29, 2013 | Mega Man
Ready for more 25th merchandise? Capcom is going to be releasing this adorable plush tissue box modeled after Rush! This will be out in late September for ¥4800. No word on an American release as of yet though. However, I'm sure it'll pop up in import stores so...

Feast Your Eyes on MM25: Mega Man and Mega Man X Official Complete Works (Update)
May 29, 2013 | Mega Man
UDON Entertainment has just recently posted the picture you see at right (click for full size) on their blog, showing the printing proof version of MM25: Mega Man and Mega Man X Official Complete Works, which is a high-resolution laser color printout of the book for...

Ripot’s Round-Up – 5/28/13
May 28, 2013 | Community Developments
It's been a while since I've done one of these, hasn't it? And truth be told, it's long overdue: Life has been busy for us here at TMMN, and unfortunately, we aren't able to post every news tip and story we get as it comes in, or give it the full attention they...

An Overload of OVER-1
May 28, 2013 | Mega Man
People have had both good and bad things to say about Rockman Xover... let's be honest; mostly bad. But one thing people have consistently seemed to approve of is OVER-1's design and various armors. Perhaps making use of this notion, Famitsu is showing off high res...

100,000 Strong to Represent at Mega Rock Fan Festa, Seeking Funding for Big Project
May 27, 2013 | Community Developments
A few months ago, we brought you word of a new fan-run event to celebrate Mega Man in Tokyo, Japan, called "Mega Rock Fan Festa." Some new information has come up about the event, including the attendance of Hitoshi Ariga, Ippo Yamada, and Yoshihiro Iwamoto. What's...

Preview Pages for Sonic the Hedgehog #249: Worlds Collide Part 6
May 27, 2013 | Mega Man
"Knuckles Man.? Rose Woman? Shadow Man? Only two horrible minds could've come up with evil robot antagonists like these. Dr. Wily and Dr. Eggman's malevolent subversion of Sonic the hedgehog's friends gets revealed in the latest issue of the "Worlds Collide"...
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