TMMN Staff

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

Reploid Independence Day is Upon Us Once Again

As he did last year, our resident comic book reviewer for "The Blue Ink," would like to remind everyone that as per the instruction manual for Mega Man X, June 4th is the "Day of Sigma," aka-- as he puts it-- "Reploid Independence Day." It's a century early, give or...

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

A Critical Look at Mega Man 5 Stages: Napalm Man

Napalm Man's Stage and Music Our first steps into this stage put us in the path of a particularly aggressive enemy, Sumatran. These quickly jump toward us when we or even one of our shots approaches, dealing six damage on contact, and have little delay between...

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

Get Tabletman’s Battle Memory in Xover for Free

Hey players of Rockman Xover, there's a new special edition Battle Memory to grab, and this time you don't even need to buy a product to get it! Just use the above code, and you can get Tablet Man's Battle Memory. If you'll recall, Tablet Man is one of the runner up...

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

Mega Man X Hits Wii U Virtual Console with a Special Deal

The perennial Super NES classic Mega Man X has arrived on the Wii U Virtual Console today, carrying with it a price of just $7.99. Alternatively, you can pay just $1.50 if you already have the game transferred over from your Wii Virtual Console, allowing you off-TV...

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

MM25: Full Cover and Other Information

Here is the full cover to UDON's upcoming Mega Man and Mega Man X artwork extravaganza: MM25 Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. With the full cover revealed, we can be assured that X is getting the same love and representation as the Blue Bomber...

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

A Pair of Upcoming Soundtracks to Feature Mega Man

We've yet to hear of any new Mega Man soundtracks coming down the pipeline for 2013 (though I imagine they're on the way). However, a couple other albums are getting a head start by featuring Mega Man in their track list. The first is the 10th anniversary soundtrack...

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

Rockman Xover Gets Yet Another Collaboration

Not content with mixing things up with Seven Thousands Wars, a new collaboration with Xover is in the works for Sega's smartphone titles Dragon Coins. Labeled as a "coin RPG," Dragon Coins uses this basis of a medal game (i.e. coin pusher) as a mechanic to fight...

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

Cute Rush Protects Your Tissue Box

Ready for more 25th merchandise? Capcom is going to be releasing this adorable plush tissue box modeled after Rush! This will be out in late September for ¥4800. No word on an American release as of yet though. However, I'm sure it'll pop up in import stores so...

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

Ripot’s Round-Up – 5/28/13

It's been a while since I've done one of these, hasn't it? And truth be told, it's long overdue: Life has been busy for us here at TMMN, and unfortunately, we aren't able to post every news tip and story we get as it comes in, or give it the full attention they...

Proto Man Makes The Escapist’s “Top 5 Stylish Scarves” in Video Games

An Overload of OVER-1

People have had both good and bad things to say about Rockman Xover... let's be honest; mostly bad. But one thing people have consistently seemed to approve of is OVER-1's design and various armors. Perhaps making use of this notion, Famitsu is showing off high res...