TMMN Staff

A Critical Look at Mega Man 5 Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 1 – The Last Look?
Aug 11, 2013 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Wily Stage 1 and Music I know these games love to hand out E-Tanks like candy in the final stages, but they really should have gone easier on the M-Tanks. It's not necessary to have weapon refills here like it was for stuff like Boobeam, and they could have taken the...

Start Your Day with a Mega Man X Rock Medley
Aug 10, 2013 | Community Developments
It's Saturday. You ready to rock out? Guitarist Satou is here to bring it. After seeing a performance of Video Games Live in Chile, he was inspired to put together this rock medley covering the first five Mega Man X titles. And if you ask me, it's pretty great. Be...

Preview Pages for Mega Man #28: The Return
Aug 6, 2013 | Mega Man
Now that all of that "Worlds Collide" stuff is over with, we can get back to brass tacks with where we left Mega Man and Break Man, who were last seen fighting in Mega City as Dr. Wily prepared his master plan with the assistance of one Ra Moon. "The Return: Prelude...

Keiji Inafune to Appear at PAX Prime
Aug 5, 2013 | Mega Man
Mega Man fans who are attending the Penny Arcade Expo from August 30th to September 2nd are in for a special treat, as none other than Keiji Inafune will be in attendance! Those hoping to see the man who many hail as the "Father of Mega Man" will have the opportunity...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 5 Stages: Proto Man 4
Aug 4, 2013 | Articles
Proto Man 4 This'll be a short one, as this stage consists of a single gimmick. Shooting the lowest cracked walls causes the screen to shake while the stage falls down until the next lowest wall is at the bottom. It works out okay as a visual effect, but as a game...

The Blue Ink Reviews Mega Man #28 – One Shall Stand…
Aug 3, 2013 | Reviews
"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology." --Carl Sagan ------------------- So, that happened. That whole "Worlds Collide" thing, that is, and sure enough, the Cosmic...

Super Mario Bros. Crossover 3.0 Now Available
Aug 2, 2013 | Community Developments
The last time we heard about "Super Mario Bros. Crossover" version 3.0 was in the trailer above, which was released in April. But now, courtesy of a tip from Beed28, we now know that this version has finally been released. In addition to the inclusion of Easy and Hard...

Mega Man and Co. Join in Mobile Title “Street Fighter X All Capcom”
Aug 1, 2013 | Mega Man
Among a of newly announced iOS and Android titles, Capcom introduced Street Fighter X All Capcom, set to launch November 13th of this year. The game is a "hero training RPG" which is played with card battles. Since, when you think of Street Fighter, you think of card...

Dropping the Bass (and Treble)
Jul 31, 2013 | Mega Man
In case anyone was curious about the status of Bandai's D-Arts Bass figure (with Treble, naturally) at various retailers, tipster "Dr. Wily" has given us the lowdown on the current situation. For those ordering through, they've apparently changed their site...

Miss UDON’s SDCC Exclusives? Worry Not!
Jul 30, 2013 | Mega Man
We're going to level with you: The San Diego Comic-Con kind of sucks. Don't get us wrong, it's all kinds of awesome, but having all of that awesomeness concentrated into one place is why it sucks; paying to go, paying to stay, paying to attend, and the worst part:...

Mega Man and X Partake in Capcom 30th Anniversary Album
Jul 29, 2013 | Mega Man
To celebrate 30 years of games, Capcom of Japan is releasing a special two disc anniversary album. The album covers ten of Capcom's series, including Mega Man and Mega Man X. Over 40 tracks will be present on the two discs. The first disc is the "Original" disc,...

GT Countdown: Top 10 Metroidvania Games
Jul 29, 2013 | Community Developments
GameTrailers recently ranked their Top 10 "Metroidvania" games which are neither Metroid nor Castlevania. With those out of the way-- hey, Mega Man has some games which fit that mold! Maybe one of them made the list! Let's watch and find out. Aside: By "maybe," we...

e-Capcom Introduces Rockman Nanoblock Sets
Jul 28, 2013 | Mega Man
Yet more curious new Rockman merchandise coming to e-Capcom. There are now Rockman themed Nanoblock sets available for preorder. There is a Rockman set and a Cutman set. Each set comes with parts to make additional items and stage enemies. The sets are planned to...

30 Years of Capcom: A Visual Retrospective
Jul 28, 2013 | Community Developments
For Capcom's 30th anniversary, NostalgicGamer86 has put together a "visual retrospective" of many of the games which the company has developed, published, distributed, and manufactured over its three-decade history. Naturally, it wouldn't be complete without Mega Man,...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 5 Stages: Proto Man 3
Jul 27, 2013 | Articles, Featured
Proto Man 3 Apache Joe is waiting for us as soon as we move forward, and the following Subeil's placement is perfect for tripping up a player that might be hoping to slide past him. This is a fun area for experienced players to try to move through quickly,...

The Escapades of MegaMan and Django Now Translated
Jul 26, 2013 | Mega Man
As you may know, back in the days of Mega Man Battle Network, the series shared a connection with Konami's vampire hunting title Boktai. However, since the third installment of Boktai never released out of Japan, its special scenario was removed from the English...

The Blue Ink Reviews Sonic the Hedgehog #251 – Worlds Collide Part 12: Going Gold
Jul 26, 2013 | Reviews
"If I go down, I'm taking you with me!" -Andross, Star Fox 64 --------------------------------- So, you're an evil overlord. You're in the endgame, your final plan is rolling out perfectly, and you've just crushed your mortal enemy. And then you go and stuff him in a...

Preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #251 – Worlds Collide Part 12: The End is Here
Jul 25, 2013 | Mega Man
The epic conclusion is almost here! Subscribers should be getting theirs now (if they haven't already), and Wednesday, July 31st will see Sonic the Hedgehog #251 hit comic shops across North America, concluding the epic 12-part "Worlds Collide" crossover. Comic Book...

Mega Man the Board Game Facebook Page Opens
Jul 24, 2013 | Mega Man
While we still don't have details on just what Jasco's "Mega Man The Board Game" will be about, they have just recently opened a Facebook site for the game, which promises updates and information in the near future. And as you can see, they're also sporting some...

Rockman Xover Comes to Korea
Jul 23, 2013 | Mega Man
After enjoying eight months of service exclusively in Japan, social app Rockman Xover has made its way to Korea on both iOS and Android. Allegedly, the version released is quite a bit behind the updates that the Japanese version currently has. Furthermore, the game...
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